People named Horace Steward
Below are 4 people with the first name Horace and the last name Steward. Try the Steward Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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4 Horace Steward Biographies

Horace Steward was born on January 6, 1949, and died at age 33 years old in August 1982. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Horace Steward.

Horace Steward of Carlsbad, Eddy County, New Mexico was born on April 19, 1886, and died at age 83 years old in December 1969.

Horace Steward of Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ was born on March 26, 1916, and died at age 84 years old on October 11, 2000.
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Henderson Steward (Apr 11, 1928 - Jun 28, 1995)
Henreitta Steward (Oct 10, 1951 - Jan 1, 2010)
Henrietta Steward
Henry Steward
Herbert Steward
Herman Steward
Hermerstine Steward (Jul 24, 1922 - Sep 6, 2007)
Hermestine Steward (Aug 29, 1931 - Mar 1985)
Hermia Steward (Nov 30, 1914 - Oct 1, 2002)
Hermine Steward (Nov 2, 1927 - Dec 13, 1992)
Herschel Steward
Herschell Steward (Jun 12, 1923 - Apr 9, 1992)
Hershel Steward
Hester Steward (May 18, 1921 - Nov 4, 2001)
Hettie Steward
Hezeikiah Steward (Feb 12, 1925 - Jun 1963)
Hick Steward (Jan 5, 1910 - Nov 1984)
Hilda Steward
Hildamae Steward (May 17, 1923 - Jan 21, 2007)
Hildred Steward (May 30, 1914 - Dec 2, 2006)
Hildur Steward (Feb 28, 1917 - Aug 9, 2011)
Hiram Steward
Hobart Steward (Jul 11, 1922 - Sep 1984)
Hollis Steward
Holly Steward
Homer Steward
Hoover Steward (Mar 12, 1908 - Jan 6, 1988)
Hope Steward
Horace Steward
Horatio Steward (Nov 29, 1905 - Mar 12, 1988)
Hortense Steward (Feb 13, 1899 - Mar 1986)
Hosie Steward
Howard Steward
Hubbard Steward (Aug 22, 1899 - Oct 1974)
Hubert Steward
Huce Steward (Nov 2, 1907 - Jan 1984)
Hugh Steward
Huldah Steward (Jul 12, 1926 - Jan 9, 2010)
Hurra Steward
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