People named Ira Mccart
Below are 3 people with the first name Ira and the last name Mccart. Try the Mccart Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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3 Ira Mccart Biographies

Ira Mccart of Napa, Napa County, California was born on June 23, 1888, and died at age 80 years old in May 1969.

Ira Mccart of Missoula, Missoula County, Montana was born on December 2, 1877, and died at age 90 years old in February 1968.
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Similar Mccart names
Mccart biographies alphabetically beginning with Henrieta and ending with Jane Mccart.
Henrieta Mccart (Jun 10, 1931 - Oct 8, 2010)
Henrietta Mccart (Jun 5, 1895 - Jun 24, 1991)
Henry Mccart
Herbert Mccart (Aug 29, 1911 - Oct 14, 1993)
Herrel Mccart
Homer Mccart (Aug 31, 1907 - Nov 22, 1990)
Horace Mccart (May 8, 1918 - May 1974)
Hortense Mccart (Apr 17, 1915 - Apr 5, 1991)
Howard Mccart (Jun 16, 1917 - Jun 15, 2003)
Hoyt Mccart (Aug 18, 1913 - Dec 10, 2000)
Huey Mccart (May 14, 1925 - Jul 1985)
Hugh Mccart
Ian Mccart (Jan 25, 1946 - Dec 7, 2009)
Inez Mccart (Oct 22, 1936 - May 1981)
Ione Mccart (Jul 5, 1916 - Mar 16, 1999)
Ira Mccart
Irene Mccart
Iris Mccart (Apr 13, 1928 - Aug 1980)
Irma Mccart (Sep 14, 1900 - Apr 17, 2005)
Jack Mccart
Jacquelyn Mccart (Feb 11, 1944 - May 16, 1998)
Jame Mccart (Jun 10, 1975 - Nov 3, 2008)
James Mccart
Jane Mccart
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