People named Iris Ferrer
Below are 3 people with the first name Iris and the last name Ferrer. Try the Ferrer Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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3 Iris Ferrer Biographies

Iris Ferrer of Metairie, Jefferson County, Louisiana was born on November 13, 1915, and died at age 71 years old in October 1987.

Iris D Ferrer of Miami, Miami-Dade County, FL was born on March 11, 1914, and died at age 83 years old on December 21, 1997.
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Ferrer biographies alphabetically beginning with Irene and ending with Jacqueline Ferrer.
Irene Ferrer
Irenio Ferrer (Jul 7, 1907 - Dec 1976)
Iris Ferrer
Irma Ferrer
Irving Ferrer (Born c. 1978)
Isabel Ferrer
Isabelo Ferrer (Sep 7, 1905 - May 6, 2000)
Isauro Ferrer (Jun 17, 1956 - Jul 20, 2010)
Isidoro Ferrer (Jul 15, 1901 - Aug 1980)
Isidro Ferrer
Ismael Ferrer
Isora Ferrer (Jan 25, 1927 - Aug 19, 2002)
Israel Ferrer
Iva Ferrer (Aug 29, 1914 - Jan 29, 2009)
Ivan Ferrer (Sep 18, 1929 - Feb 8, 2004)
Ivo Ferrer (Born c. 1959)
Ivonne Ferrer (Born c. 1981)
Iyeli Ferrer (Born c. 1978)
Jacinta Ferrer
Jack Ferrer
Jacoba Ferrer (Aug 9, 1899 - May 9, 1989)
Jacqueline Ferrer
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