People named John Hazlinger
Below are 3 people with the first name John and the last name Hazlinger. Try the Hazlinger Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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3 John Hazlinger Biographies

First Officer and 2nd Lieut, John Hazlinger, Jr. married Lora Carhoun on June 29, 1852 in Scotch Plains, NJ. He was the Navigator in WW2 in the 8th Air Force, 94th Bomb Group, 410th Bomb Squadron.

John Hazlinger died in February 1960. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Hazlinger.
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Hazlinger biographies alphabetically beginning with Alois and ending with Rosemary Hazlinger.
Alois Hazlinger (Jan 2, 1910 - Dec 1977)
Barbara Hazlinger (Sep 29, 1884 - Sep 1968)
Edward Hazlinger (May 18, 1919 - Sep 1973)
Elizabeth Hazlinger (Nov 14, 1910 - Sep 29, 1994)
Frank Hazlinger (Sep 9, 1914 - May 1982)
Helen Hazlinger (Oct 27, 1902 - Nov 1983)
John Hazlinger
Joseph Hazlinger (Sep 24, 1910 - Jan 1968)
Julia Hazlinger (Nov 25, 1914 - Nov 29, 1990)
Lad Hazlinger (Aug 5, 1908 - Feb 1, 1995)
Lora Hazlinger (Aug 16, 1932 - Mar 1975)
Matilda Hazlinger (Mar 2, 1908 - Apr 1973)
Pauline Hazlinger (Apr 23, 1912 - Jan 18, 2011)
Rose Hazlinger (Oct 1, 1885 - May 1977)
Rosemary Hazlinger (Jun 17, 1924 - Jul 4, 2000)