People named Lena Parnes
Below are 2 people with the first name Lena and the last name Parnes. Try the Parnes Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Lena Parnes Biographies

Lena Parnes of Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky was born on June 13, 1903, and died at age 82 years old in August 1985.
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Parnes biographies alphabetically beginning with Jesse and ending with Lona Parnes.
Jesse Parnes (Jan 7, 1910 - Apr 14, 1988)
Joan Parnes (Jul 25, 1909 - Dec 12, 1993)
Joe Parnes (Jan 25, 1880 - Dec 1964)
John Parnes (Oct 10, 1961 - Feb 17, 2011)
Jon Parnes (Nov 1, 1939 - Jan 4, 2010)
Jonah Parnes (Apr 15, 1893 - Oct 1984)
Joseph Parnes
Joshua Parnes (Dec 11, 1932 - Oct 29, 2005)
Jules Parnes
Julius Parnes
Leah Parnes (Jan 23, 1912 - Dec 1985)
Leib Parnes (Mar 15, 1901 - Apr 1984)
Lena Parnes
Leo Parnes (Feb 11, 1902 - Apr 1979)
Leon Parnes
Leonard Parnes (Jan 26, 1919 - Aug 16, 2007)
Lewis Parnes (Feb 1, 1909 - Apr 12, 2001)
Lilliam Parnes (May 1, 1916 - Apr 2, 2009)
Lillian Parnes
Lillie Parnes (Feb 28, 1891 - Jul 1974)
Lionel Parnes (Nov 27, 1921 - Sep 1966)
Lona Parnes (Sep 11, 1922 - Oct 1978)
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