People named Leola Fluence
Below are 2 people with the first name Leola and the last name Fluence. Try the Fluence Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Leola Fluence Biographies

Leola (Fluence) Lee was born on October 6, 1938, and was the mother of Gloria A Fluence. Leola lee died at age 65 years old on March 4, 2004. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember leola (fluence) lee.
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Earline Fluence (May 28, 1937 - Feb 23, 2011)
Elijah Fluence (Feb 8, 1930 - Jun 23, 1993)
Elvie Fluence (Mar 17, 1916 - Jan 27, 2001)
Ernestine Fluence (Jun 22, 1911 - Jan 6, 2000)
Florence Fluence (Jun 8, 1951 - Mar 20, 2007)
Gloria Fluence (Oct 30, 1961 - May 14, 2011)
Herman Fluence (Aug 24, 1907 - May 1969)
ivy fluence (Born Jun 30, 2017)
Jalvin Fluence (Born c. 1985)
James Fluence (Mar 4, 1934 - Dec 25, 2003)
Jennifer Fluence (Oct 17, 1958 - Oct 14, 2008)
John Fluence (Jan 30, 1914 - Oct 1983)
Joseph Fluence (Aug 16, 1936 - Sep 5, 2005)
Josephine Fluence (Dec 31, 1946 - Dec 28, 1996)
lakeisha fluence (Born Mar 11, 1977)
latrica fluence (Born Mar 24, 1980)
Leana Fluence (Jun 1, 1931 - Mar 27, 2002)
Leatha Fluence (Jan 13, 1953 - Jun 2, 2009)
Leola Fluence
Menard Fluence (Apr 18, 1905 - Feb 8, 1989)
Parker Fluence (May 16, 1911 - Mar 19, 1992)
Philip Fluence (Mar 3, 1951 - Jan 31, 2013)
Rashaud Fluence
Rena Fluence (Jun 13, 1914 - Aug 1984)
rhyan fluence (Born Apr 7, 2022)
Ruth Fluence (Dec 25, 1916 - Mar 1985)
Saraphine Fluence (Jul 31, 1897 - Apr 15, 1967)
Takosha Fluence (Born c. 1986)
Versey Fluence (Feb 16, 1928 - Aug 15, 1994)
Willie Fluence (Oct 22, 1915 - Dec 1987)