People named Linda Armbruster
Below are 4 people with the first name Linda and the last name Armbruster. Try the Armbruster Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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4 Linda Armbruster Biographies

Linda Darlene (Plsek) Armbruster of Texas was born on February 15, 1949 in Milam, Sabine County. Linda Armbruster was married to Kermit L. Armbruster on March 17, 2005 in Mclennan County, TX, and died at age 62 years old on July 8, 2011 in TX.

Linda S Armbruster of TX was born circa 1956. Linda Armbruster was married to Clifton Armbruster Jr on June 7, 1979 in Harris County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Linda S. (Farrar) Armbruster.

Linda D Armbruster of Dayton, Montgomery County, OH was born on September 12, 1947, and died at age 57 years old on October 24, 2004.
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Kenneth Armbruster
Kermit Armbruster
Kevin Armbruster (Dec 31, 1973 - Oct 26, 1997)
Kurt Armbruster (Born c. 1966)
Lara Armbruster (Aug 18, 1889 - Sep 1975)
Larry Armbruster
Laura Armbruster
Laural Armbruster (Born c. 1960)
Laurette Armbruster (Jun 3, 1898 - Oct 1987)
Lavern Armbruster (Jul 3, 1921 - Aug 9, 2001)
Laverne Armbruster (Oct 7, 1926 - Dec 1979)
Lawrence Armbruster
Leigh Armbruster (Born c. 1977)
Lelia Armbruster (Sep 15, 1896 - Mar 1980)
Lena Armbruster
Leo Armbruster
Leon Armbruster (Jan 9, 1936 - Jan 23, 2006)
Leona Armbruster
Leonard Armbruster
Leonora Armbruster (Feb 17, 1888 - Mar 1981)
Leopold Armbruster (Jan 26, 1927 - Dec 1977)
Leroy Armbruster
Leslie Armbruster
Lester Armbruster
Lewis Armbruster
Lianne Armbruster (Born c. 1952)
Lila Armbruster (Sep 16, 1906 - Aug 21, 2009)
Lilas Armbruster (Oct 14, 1892 - Apr 1972)
Lillia Armbruster (Apr 8, 1920 - Jun 17, 1995)
Lillian Armbruster
Lillie Armbruster
Linda Armbruster
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