People named Lucy Wagstaff
Below are 2 people with the first name Lucy and the last name Wagstaff. Try the Wagstaff Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Lucy Wagstaff Biographies

Lucy Wagstaff was born in 1881 in Manchester, Greater Manchester County, England United Kingdom to Daniel Wagstaff and Mary Jane (Prince) Wagstaff, and has siblings Ann Wagstaff, Francis Wagstaff, John Wagstaff, and Mary Wagstaff. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lucy Wagstaff.

Lucy Wagstaff was born in 1829 in Aldwark, Derbyshire County, England United Kingdom to Francis Wagstaff and Elizabeth (Taylor) Wagstaff, and has siblings John Wagstaff, Matilda Wagstaff, Jane Wagstaff, Thomas Wagstaff, Sarah (Wagstaff) Lane, Georgiana Wagstaff, Hannah Wagstaff, Margaret (Wagstaff) Holland, Francis Wagstaff, Mary Wagstaff, Elizabeth Wagstaff, Caroline Wagstaff, Emma (Wagstaff) Bainbridge, Hannah Wagstaff, Elizabeth Ann Wagstaff, and Henry Wagstaff. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lucy Wagstaff.
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Lillie Wagstaff
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Linwood Wagstaff (Aug 26, 1928 - May 8, 2011)
Lisa Wagstaff (Sep 7, 1966 - Feb 21, 1989)
Lizzie Wagstaff (Sep 6, 1905 - Aug 5, 1990)
Lloyd Wagstaff
Lois Wagstaff (Oct 5, 1922 - Sep 16, 2008)
Lola Wagstaff
Lonnie Wagstaff (May 14, 1900 - Nov 1967)
Lorena Wagstaff (Dec 20, 1913 - Dec 1977)
Loretta Wagstaff
Lorette Wagstaff (Born c. 1954)
Louis Wagstaff
Louise Wagstaff
Lucille Wagstaff (Jan 11, 1913 - Apr 1, 1996)
Lucinda Wagstaff (Born c. 1960)
Lucy Wagstaff
Luella Wagstaff (Aug 15, 1897 - Feb 1975)
Luther Wagstaff (Feb 1, 1955 - May 5, 2010)
Lyle Wagstaff (Jun 29, 1910 - Nov 1972)
Lynda Wagstaff (Born c. 1944)
Lynn Wagstaff (May 17, 1946 - Jan 4, 2001)
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