People named Mabel Sweatt
Below are 3 people with the first name Mabel and the last name Sweatt. Try the Sweatt Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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3 Mabel Sweatt Biographies
Mabel P Sweatt of Kannapolis, Cabarrus County, NC was born on January 8, 1912, and died at age 76 years old on September 12, 1988.
Mabel Sweatt of Concord, Merrimack County, NH was born on April 19, 1891, and died at age 92 years old in February 1984.
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Sweatt biographies alphabetically beginning with Lola and ending with Margaret Sweatt.
Lola Sweatt
Lona Sweatt (Mar 13, 1942 - Jan 25, 2010)
Loner Sweatt (Dec 19, 1945 - Jul 22, 2009)
Lonnie Sweatt
Lonzo Sweatt (Jul 23, 1889 - May 1986)
Lorence Sweatt (Sep 22, 1955 - Jul 1986)
Loretta Sweatt
Lorne Sweatt (Sep 2, 1911 - Apr 1986)
Lottie Sweatt (Apr 17, 1921 - Dec 1, 2000)
Lou Sweatt (Born c. 1961)
Louella Sweatt (Jun 8, 1897 - Jan 1981)
Louis Sweatt
Louise Sweatt
Lowell Sweatt (Feb 14, 1937 - Aug 1986)
Loyd Sweatt
Lucille Sweatt
Lucius Sweatt (Oct 17, 1893 - Dec 1963)
Lucy Sweatt (May 29, 1882 - Mar 1978)
Lura Sweatt (Feb 20, 1919 - Jun 26, 2007)
Luther Sweatt
Lydia Sweatt (Jun 15, 1896 - May 1981)
Lynn Sweatt (Dec 20, 1901 - Mar 1976)
Mabel Sweatt
Mable Sweatt
Mack Sweatt
Mae Sweatt
Magdalene Sweatt (Aug 14, 1932 - Feb 18, 1991)
Maggie Sweatt
Mamie Sweatt
Manlin Sweatt (Jul 27, 1922 - May 1978)
Mara Sweatt (Born c. 1963)
Maranda Sweatt (Dec 13, 1927 - Mar 28, 2006)
Marcum Sweatt (Jan 8, 1925 - Dec 27, 2005)
Marcus Sweatt
Margaret Sweatt
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