People named Reinhold Schilke
Below are 3 people with the first name Reinhold and the last name Schilke. Try the Schilke Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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3 Reinhold Schilke Biographies

Reinhold Schilke of Prescott, Ogemaw County, Michigan was born on April 28, 1894, and died at age 80 years old in November 1974.

Reinhold Schilke was born on July 2, 1920, and died at age 61 years old in August 1981. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Reinhold Schilke.
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Schilke biographies alphabetically beginning with Minna and ending with Ronald Schilke.
Minna Schilke
Moira Schilke (Born c. 1967)
Olga Schilke
Oscar Schilke (Aug 27, 1921 - Jun 1, 1997)
Ottilie Schilke (Apr 6, 1884 - Jun 1979)
Otto Schilke (Dec 17, 1907 - Oct 1982)
Pat Schilke (Aug 25, 1931 - Jan 16, 2004)
Patsy Schilke (Dec 28, 1932 - Feb 1, 2008)
Paul Schilke (Sep 13, 1881 - May 1968)
Pauline Schilke (Feb 8, 1882 - Oct 1972)
Peter Schilke (Apr 19, 1946 - Apr 30, 2005)
Pirkko Schilke (Feb 5, 1931 - Dec 26, 1993)
Ralph Schilke (Apr 16, 1904 - Jun 1987)
Ransom Schilke (Feb 11, 1914 - Nov 13, 2002)
Raymond Schilke
Reinhold Schilke
Renold Schilke (Jun 30, 1910 - Sep 1982)
Richard Schilke
Robert Schilke
Roger Schilke (Aug 3, 1950 - Sep 8, 2004)
Roland Schilke (Sep 29, 1909 - May 8, 1996)
Ronald Schilke (Jun 21, 1936 - May 16, 2002)
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