People named Ursula Hinz
Below are 2 people with the first name Ursula and the last name Hinz. Try the Hinz Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Ursula Hinz Biographies
Ursula Hinz of Valrico, Hillsborough County, FL was born on August 22, 1915, and died at age 88 years old on March 25, 2004.
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Similar Hinz names
Hinz biographies alphabetically beginning with Susan and ending with Verton Hinz.
Susan Hinz
Susie Hinz (Oct 27, 1917 - Aug 27, 2009)
Sylvester Hinz (Apr 11, 1907 - Jan 1975)
Sylvia Hinz (Aug 7, 1918 - Sep 19, 2003)
Tanner Hinz (Apr 4, 2011 - Jun 21, 2011)
Ted Hinz
Teresa Hinz (Feb 20, 1895 - May 12, 1991)
Teresita Hinz (Apr 27, 1953 - Oct 23, 1992)
Terrell Hinz (Oct 18, 1947 - Nov 8, 2000)
Terri Hinz (Born c. 1966)
Thekla Hinz (Oct 15, 1912 - Jan 11, 2005)
Thelma Hinz
Theo Hinz (Apr 29, 1906 - Nov 1982)
Theodora Hinz (Oct 21, 1929 - Nov 1984)
Theodore Hinz
Theresa Hinz
Thomas Hinz
Tillie Hinz (Aug 7, 1895 - Apr 1983)
Timothy Hinz
Tina Hinz (Born c. 1961)
Trudy Hinz (Born c. 1945)
Twila Hinz (Oct 23, 1934 - Sep 29, 2005)
Ursula Hinz
Uwe Hinz (Nov 13, 1928 - Jan 17, 2009)
Velma Hinz (Nov 18, 1909 - Oct 30, 2003)
Vera Hinz
Vern Hinz
Verna Hinz
Vernon Hinz
Veronica Hinz (Jan 26, 1896 - Dec 1985)
Verton Hinz (Nov 12, 1909 - Feb 1976)
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