People named Warren Divers
Below are 3 people with the first name Warren and the last name Divers. Try the Divers Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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3 Warren Divers Biographies
Warren L Divers of El paso County, TX was born circa 1943. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Warren L. Divers.
Warren Divers was born on June 3, 1909, and died at age 40 years old in August 1949. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Warren Divers.
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Divers biographies alphabetically beginning with Victoria and ending with Zernelle Divers.
Victoria Divers (Jun 10, 1931 - Oct 1985)
Viola Divers (Jul 9, 1904 - May 1978)
Violet Divers (Aug 14, 1885 - Sep 1962)
Virgie Divers (Jun 8, 1898 - Feb 1978)
Virginia Divers
Vivian Divers (May 18, 1900 - Sep 1984)
W Robert Divers (Nov 5, 1930 - Mar 30, 1996)
Walter Divers
Wanda Divers (Dec 25, 1965 - Jul 23, 2000)
Warren Divers
Webster Divers (Jan 20, 1899 - Dec 1972)
Wesson Divers (Dec 7, 1932 - Feb 25, 2003)
Wilford Divers (Dec 16, 1935 - Jan 26, 2001)
William Divers
Williams Divers (Dec 24, 1909 - Aug 1988)
Willie Divers
Wilma Divers (Aug 31, 1936 - Jan 8, 2011)
Woodrow Divers (Dec 14, 1913 - Jan 12, 1997)
Yvrose Divers (Feb 29, 1948 - Oct 17, 2008)
Zernelle Divers (Dec 18, 1905 - Aug 6, 2005)
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Samuel - Vickie
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