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Andrew Holobinko 1923 - 1968

Andrew Holobinko of Bedford, Bedford County, Pennsylvania United States was born on November 10, 1923 in Indiana County, and had siblings Charles W Holobinko, Peter Holobinko, John Holobinko, Frank Holobinko, George Holobinko, Joseph Holobinko, and Stephen Holobinko. Andrew Holobinko died at age 44 years old on April 22, 1968 in Berea, Cuyahoga County, OH, and was buried at Sunset Memorial Park 6265 Columbia Rd, in North Olmsted.
Andrew Holobinko
Bedford, Bedford County, Pennsylvania 15522, United States
November 10, 1923
Indiana County, Pennsylvania, United States
April 22, 1968
Berea, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 44017, United States
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Andrew Holobinko's History: 1923 - 1968

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  • Introduction

    Andrew Holobinko was born on November 10, 1923 in Banks, Indiana, Pennsylvania to parents Metro Dmytro Holobinko (1880-1926) and Anastasia Nancy Kopylec (1891-1962). He grew up in a large family with siblings George, Mary, Ann, John, Michael, Frank, Charles, Stephen, Joseph, Peter, Paul, Helen, and William Holobinko. Andrew Holobinko registered for the draft on June 30, 1942, at the age of 18. He then enlisted on April 9, 1943, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. With a height of 5'8" and weighing 160 pounds, Andrew possessed the physical attributes required for his military duties. His light complexion, brown hair, and gray eyes added to his distinctive appearance. Although Andrew did not have a specific branch assignment, he served dutifully as a private. His service number, 33506951, marked his unique identification within the military ranks.
  • 11/10


    November 10, 1923
    Indiana County, Pennsylvania United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was white, his mother Anastasia was born on January 7, 1891 in Smerek (Galicia), Austro-Hungarian Empire and immigrated to the states in 1911. She passed away on October 28, 1962 in Berea, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA. His father Metro was born on November 1, 1880 in Smerek (Galicia), Austro-Hungarian Empire and immigrated to the states from Hamburg and arrived in New York, New York on November 28, 1902. He passed away on March 9, 1936 in the Philipsburg State Hospital, Pennsylvania.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Andrew lived in Banks, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Broad Top, Bedford, Pennsylvania.
  • Early Life & Education

    He was a high school graduate, completing 4 years before his enlistment.
  • Military Service

    Andrew Holobinko registered for the draft on June 30, 1942, at the age of 18. He then enlisted on April 9, 1943, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. With a height of 5'8" and weighing 160 pounds, Andrew possessed the physical attributes required for his military duties. His light complexion, brown hair, and gray eyes added to his distinctive appearance. Although Andrew did not have a specific branch assignment, he served dutifully as a private. His service number, 33506951, marked his unique identification within the military ranks.
  • Professional Career

    Andrew worked in a machine shop.
  • 04/22


    April 22, 1968
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Berea, Cuyahoga County, Ohio 44017, United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Sunset Memorial Park 6265 Columbia Rd, in North Olmsted, Cuyahoga County, Ohio 44070, United States
    Burial location
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