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Anthony Calore 1917 - 1969

Anthony Calore of Deer Park, Suffolk County, NY was born on June 28, 1917 in Brooklyn, Kings County, and died at age 51 years old on May 1, 1969 in Deer Park, Suffolk County. Anthony Calore was buried at St. Charles / Resurrection Cemeteries 2015 Wellwood Ave, in Farmingdale.
Anthony Calore
Deer Park, Suffolk County, NY 11729
June 28, 1917
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States
May 1, 1969
Deer Park, Suffolk County, New York, United States
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Anthony Calore's History: 1917 - 1969

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  • Introduction

    Anthony Calore was born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA on June 28, 1917 to parents Ernesto Calore (1899-1975) and Angelina Stivaletti (1898-1960). He had siblings Mildred Theresa, Lillian, John James, and Catherine M Calore. He lived in New York City and was married to Margaret Troiano (1914-1986). The couple had three children together, Angelina Dee Agnes Calore (1939-2012), Agnes Calore (1940-2018), and Margaret "Babe" Calore (1945-2021). Anthony registered for the military draft on October 16, 1940, in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, when he was 23 years old. He later enlisted in the military and served in the Quartermaster branch. When he was 25 years old he was admitted to the military in August 1943 in Alaska and was diagnosed with arthritis and prostatitis. These conditions were not considered to be injuries that occurred during his military service, as they existed before his enlistment. As a result, he was discharged for disability in November 1943, after serving for a year or two.
  • 06/28


    June 28, 1917
    Brooklyn, Kings County, New York United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was white with Italian roots. His father was born in Torre del Greco, Napoli, Campania, Italy on February 24, 1899 and immigrated to the US arriving in New York, New York on May 16, 1903. His mother was also born in Italy on December 11, 1898. His parents were married on August 21, 1916 in Manhattan, New York, USA.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Anthony was born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA and grew up in New York City.
  • Early Life & Education

    Anthony completed a grammar school education.
  • Military Service

    Anthony Calore registered for the military draft on October 16, 1940, in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, when he was 23 years old. At the time of registration, he was not employed. His next of kin was Margaret Calore. He was 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighed 133 pounds, with dark brown complexion, brown hair, and brown eyes. He enlisted in the military and served in the Quartermaster branch. When he was 25 years old he was admitted to the military in August 1943 in Alaska. His service number was 11043779. During his service, Calore was diagnosed with arthritis and prostatitis. These conditions were not considered to be injuries that occurred during his military service, as they existed before his enlistment. As a result, he was discharged for disability in November 1943, after serving for a year or two. His discharge was not in line of duty, as the condition existed prior to his entry into the service.
  • Professional Career

    He was the proprietor of "Fruit Shoe Relief" in New York City.
  • 05/1


    May 1, 1969
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Deer Park, Suffolk County, New York United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    St. Charles / Resurrection Cemeteries 2015 Wellwood Ave, in Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York 11735, United States
    Burial location
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