A photo of Charles Edward Kosley

Charles Edward Kosley 1934 - 2021

Charles Edward Kosley of Colorado Springs, Colorado United States was born on March 14, 1934 in Colorado Springs to John Jerald Kosley and Margery Engle Kosley. Charles Kosley died at age 87 years old on August 17, 2021 in Colorado Springs.
Charles Edward Kosley
Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
March 14, 1934
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
August 17, 2021
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
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Charles Edward Kosley's History: 1934 - 2021

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  • Introduction

    Charles Kosley clung to the old rugged cross until August 17th when he exchanged his cherished cross for a crown. Charles lived a Christian life, sharing his faith and love as "trophies" with all who knew him. He lived every day with a hymn in his heart. He was the second child born to John and Margery Kosley on March 14, 1934 in beautiful Colorado Springs, remaining there for his entire life. He graduated from Colorado Springs High School in 1952, where his agility and quickness were much appreciated by the basketball and wrestling teams. Charles valued friendships, so much so that several of his high school friends became life-long companions, eventually transcending generations. But, his best friend, bar none, was his beloved wife, Patsy. Charles married Patricia Jane Hertneky on May 6th, 1956, celebrating 65 years of marriage together this year. Their steadfast and enduring devotion was observable every minute of every day. Rarely seen apart, they tackled hardships, celebrated milestones, laughed, played, and did chores together. If there was ever a "match made in heaven," Chuck and Pat were surely joined in the name of Christ. Chuck and Pat had four children; Karen, Alan, Kathryn and Kim, and raised them in the most loving, happy, supportive home imaginable. Charles was employed by Farmers Insurance for a whopping 41 years, serving as one of their most trusted employees. His professional talents with computers predated the digital world, performing tasks on Fortran systems which amaze and baffle today's contemporary geeks. Charles was a dedicated father, actively participating in family life. He was quite talented and shared his skills and gifts in raising his children. He played a mean game of tennis and ping pong, threw many ringers in horseshoes, and could hold his own at a bowling alley—often hauling his little brood around with him. The family went fishing on a regular basis and frequented the pool in Glenwood Springs at least once a year. Charles tediously packed the car for vacations to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Houston, and Utah. These trips were an absolute testament to Charles's love for adventure. Vacations weren't the only times the family engaged in fun and games. Charles was up for a card challenge anytime, but spared no mercy to his contenders. Charles had a passion for helping others and could be counted on to volunteer his time and talents whenever there was a need. He assisted the United Methodist Women with so many projects they made him an honorary member! Charles looked forward to celebrating Christmas Eve and other holidays with his extended family. Given that his dad was the firstborn of 20 children, Chuck kept track of numerous aunts and uncles. Charles was especially skilled in wood working, making beautiful gifts for family, friends and charities. Most notably, Charles was proud of his garden and lawn--and rightly so! The Kosley garden was an annual undertaking, but it was also a genuine hobby. Charles lived a life of faith demonstrating his love for the Lord at every turn. Even in his last days, as chronic renal disease ravaged his frail stature, Charles made his way to the family dinner table to offer prayer and gratitude for the blessings in his life. Charles was preceded in death by his parents John Kosley and Margery Engle, his brother Jerry Kosley, sister Victoria Smith/Hal, brother-in-law Jim McDonald, and daughter-in-law Betty Kosley. He is survived by his beloved wife, Patsy. He is also survived by his sisters; Sylvia Eichstedt/Gerald, and Virginia McDonald, brother-in-laws; Frank Hertneky/Helen and Bobby Hertneky, children; Karen Massey/Dale, Alan Kosley/Nery, Kathy Hook/Rob, Kim Means/Bill, grandchildren; Sarah McLain/Matt, Scott Massey, Katelyn Hook, Ben Hook/Landreigh, Will Hook, Alex Kosley/Amy, Austin Kosley, Grace Kosley, Amanda Oliver/Garret, Abe Means, Mary Means, Fiorella Pulido, Jose Montilla, Sam Montilla, and great grand-daughter Molly McLain, plus countless friends and family who loved him dearly.
  • 03/14


    March 14, 1934
    Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
  • 08/17


    August 17, 2021
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
    Death location
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Charles Edward Kosley
Charles Edward Kosley
Charles Edward Kosley is parents of Margery Engle Kosley and John Jerald Kosley
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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