A photo of Clayton C Ostapowicz

Clayton C Ostapowicz 1933 - 2007

Clayton C Ostapowicz of Belvidere, Boone County, IL was born on September 30, 1933, and was the father of Dawn Ostapowicz. Clayton Ostapowicz died at age 73 years old on January 6, 2007 at Swedish American Hospital, in Rockford, Winnebago County, and was buried at Resurrection Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleums 7201 Archer Rd, in Justice, Cook County.
Clayton C Ostapowicz
Belvidere, Boone County, IL 61008
September 30, 1933
January 6, 2007
Swedish American Hospital, in Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois, 61104, United States
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Clayton C Ostapowicz's History: 1933 - 2007

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  • Introduction

    He is best know for His Wallpaper Hanging Buisness that he had over 32 years..Clay's Wallpaper Hanging Buisness..
  • 09/30


    September 30, 1933
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    I believe his parent immigrated from Poland..
  • Religious Beliefs

    I am not sure about Religious, but I do believe he was spiritual. As of believing in God per se? I think he did believe in a higher power.. He would meditate on a daily basis. Due to the Buddha Statue that was in his Room. I am guessing he adopted a more Budhisst approach to life..I have never really known him to go to church.. He believed in Karma..What you do to others will come back to you, and to treat others how you wish to be treated..
  • Personal Life & Family

    All my life he was known as my Grandfather. My Mother Dawn as his Daughter..We are not blood related and He adopted my mother and cared for her like his own..She than had me..We were mostly the only ones he had ever had as of Family.. His interests were oldies music,documentaries about Wars and Military Jets and Submarines. He also enjoyed cooking and watching Baseball.. He made a lot of delicious food.. He enjoyed his morning Brew of Coffee and his Ciggerettes..He was a chain almost 3 packs a day.. He had an amazing sense of humor..Good work ethic.. Was honest and reliable,Hard working, and a lot of people trusted him and counted on him for work..
  • 01/6


    January 6, 2007
    Death date
    Due to Heart attack and Stroke and Later died in a Coma. Was on Life support, died awhile later,after being taken off of life support.
    Cause of death
    Swedish American Hospital, in Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois 61104, United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Resurrection Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleums 7201 Archer Rd, in Justice, Cook County, Illinois 60458, United States
    Burial location
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3 Memories, Stories & Photos about Clayton

Clayton C Ostapowicz
Clayton C Ostapowicz
He was 21 this was in September of 1955
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Clayton C Ostapowicz
Clayton C Ostapowicz
This was My grandfather at age 21 in September 1955
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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He was known as my "Grandfather".
He was an amazing man who played an important role in mine and my mothers life..He taught me how to cook,how to clean,how to become better with homework.He loved History, Especially about the Wars and past battles. He also enjoyed watching Baseball on T.V. He had an amazing sense of humor to..

We used to dance to the oldies music that he would play on his record player or on the radio..He made me appreciate the small things in life..

Despite having once commited a crime in his younger years, He had changed his life entirely when my mother entered his life..He stopped acting up and got himself together..He was strict and disciplined at times. Respect was a must..

He had been there for me most of my life, than one day he suffered a stroke, than a heart attack, and his health started to decline. He ended up getting Dementia. He was sadly having to get put in a nursing home, because my mother was no longer well enough to care for him..I was not able to either..Though I tried..

He used to drive me to school every morning and wish me a good day. After school he helped me to do my homework.When i got almost all A's on my school report card, He would give me 100 dollars as a reward..

He was a very hard working man, trustworthy,reliable and honest. He loved his coffee in the morning and had a habbit of chain smoking until the walls turned yellow..But we loved him anyways. He would have a glass of wine every night. Before he got too ill to be with us at home..

I am telling these events out of order..Theres ao much i wish to share about this wonderful man..I dont want him to be forgotten..There is little to nothing known about him or posted on the net..So let me share my personal experiences.. I lived with him..Also my mother as well..For many years..Than my own mother got sick..

A lot of times she was out and about or in the hospital. So i spent a lot of time with my grandfather..He is not blood related. My mpther was adopted by him..He is more family to us though,than any blood relatives..

He used to tell me that as a boy,or young man,he used to roll cigars for the soldiers,fighting in the war. I Think he said the Cold War? It has been a long time..

He used to drive a station wagon, and worked hanging wallpaper and painting peoples houses..He had his own buisness over 35 years and was popular.. He even had his own store where he sold paints..He was in high demand and people loved his work.. A lot of people would invite him to work in their mansions and villas and penthouses..

He used to let me and my mother play secretary and answer the phones, to let us ask about possible estimates at someones house..
He was a very calm person, until he wasn't.

He struggled with high blood pressure which sometimes changed his mood..Otherwise he would lay on his bed daily and shut his eyes and meditate..He had a white buddah statue and a geisha statue with a fan that was also white..

He appreciated aspects of the East Asian Culture..Which influenced me today to also meditate and helped me to be open and accepting of other cultures..He was not racist or prejudice against anyone..He taught my mother this as well..Than she taught me to also to be caring and open to other cultures and races to..

I dont know much about his background..Though i know he used to maybe be married once? But they divorced? His mother and father, I also dont know about really.. I seen a picture once of him as a young man,holding a woman in his arms and he looked happy..He was a very private person..Did not like talking about himself..Sometimes he did..But small things..

When he went to a Nursing home,after we could not care for him..He actually got hurt and injured by falling..Also he managed to escape many times and was too smart for the people working there..He ended up finding his way back home with Dementia..We were in shock at how he managed to injure himself and get away..We trusted that he would be in good hands..He missed us though..We missed him to..

I was 16 and still dealing with school..My mom was struggling financially,as my grandfathers income used to help support us with the costs of rent and everything..But since getting sick..We lost the place we lived..We tried to tell him and he couldnt understand what was happening..We told him he has to go back as we are losing our home and he cant be out in the cold with us..

I thankfully stayed with my other grandfather on my fathers side and finished school..Than my mother had enough of the nursing home mistreatment and he came back to live with us at our new place..Where he needed full time care..

I really loved my grandfather and so did my mother..I sadly didnt get to say goodbye when he died..I was away and not in the same town..Something had happened at home,and my grandfather ended up catching the house on fire where we had lived..He ended up in a coma and on life support..

I think because he had another stroke or heart attack..Supposedly he was trying to cook for himself and the gas flames from the stove had gotten spread and the fire department had to be called to put the fire out..Sadly he was left unattended at home for some time..As my mom had to go out and couldnt take my grandfather with..

Usually when my mom was out,I would watch and care for my grandfather..But I wasnt there and was not able to do so..He died I believe in Rockford Illinois, at Swedish American Hospital..He was buried though..In Bridgeview illinois I think..Closer to where I grew up..

He was an amazing man..I am sad I didnt get to say goodbye.But I know he would understand..He sadly died alone in the hospital, After being on life support, my mom made the final decision not to let him suffer as he was in a coma,The doctors said he was a "vegitable". We knew he was still fully aware of everything going on around him,even if his body didn't and couldn't keep up any longer..

My mom said when the doctors said that, she seen a tear roll down his one eye and knew he heard everything but couldnt respond..She said she needed to go do something real quick and would be right back..But sadly she ran into trouble and was stopped from doing so..She didn't get to come back..Like she promised and still lives with regret..

We ALWAYS keep our promises, to each other..That day was hard..I was not there either..I was hours away..So I did not get to help or assist or be there for him either..We love him and know he would not want us hurting over him..

He used to tell us.."When I die? Tell everyone, I have gone on vacation. Bury me in my boxers and a T-Shirt.. Like I am in a Tropical place like Hawaii." He cracked jokes all the time..When he was in the hospital some months after his stroke and heart attack,he would play with the heart moniters and build buildings with them and houses by holding his breath and releasing it..Than the moniters would go crazy ans beep and the nurses would tell him to stop that,to not play with the monitors..He was a character..

He assisted me to my Junior High Celebration, After that, It was a dance at my school, where i got dressed up nice..He was there to watch me go..He also was there for Christmas when I was 16 years old.. After that, we had to move and he was ill, He started losing his memories.. Thankfully he didn't forget us..My mom and I..

Used to call the police from the Nursing Home and report his car stolen..He didnt have a car in about 6 years at that point..He called so often due to Dementia and thought he had to take me to school, he didn't want me to miss school. Though I had already graduated. I didn't go to school anymore..Even as his mind was fading away..His love for us was still there..

If you read all this? Whoever you are? Thank you, for coming and sharing the moments with me.

His Grandaughter,

Krystal Ostapowicz
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Clayton C Ostapowicz


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