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David J I Cannon

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David J I Cannon
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David J I Cannon's History

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Tati, I miss you so much. It hurts me so much that I have no memories to share with you. All I have is the dog tag with your face on it and home made videos Dad made of you, Lauren, and Alex dancing. It made me smile. You were a good dancer... not as good as me of course. Haha. Before every sports game I play or track meet I run in, I say a prayer and ask for you and all the angels to look over me and protect me. I'm trying to live your dream and make it to the NBA. Just in case you didn't know, Shannon made it to the NBA and played with Kobe and LeBron. He won two championships with the Lakers and played an important role as a spark plug off the bench. He even went to the All Star Weekend for the Slam Dunk Competition. You have another little brother that you never got to meet. His name is Matthew and I always tell him how great you were at basketball, and he compares you to Kevin Durant and LeBron. Tonight I've really been thinking about you, being that it's the 14th year that you haven't been with us. Dad misses you alot and he never stops talking about how big of a blessing you were. We have multiple foundations made for you now, and people are really buying in on gun violence. People today still talk about how loving and friendly you were. Sometimes, I just wish that I could have experienced that first hand and actually remember it. Alex now has a beautiful baby girl named Ciana, and he's serving in South Korea now as a part of the army. Lauren is probably going to a psychiatrist and pretty successful, so our family is pretty proud of her.You wouldn't believe the dances that have now come up in the world. There's the nae nae, whip, drop, hitemfolks... It's a mess down here right now and I bet you guys are having a ball laughing at us up there. Also you've probably already heard of them, but these two guys, Chris Brown and Trey Songz, you'd be drooling over them. Well I'm going to stop typing before I lose my composure and break down. You're missed and I love you.
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