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Depetro v James 1973 - 2005

Depetro V James of Redford, Wayne County, MI was born on February 25, 1973, and died at age 31 years old on February 3, 2005 in Redford Charter Township. Depetro James was buried on February 3, 2005 in Redford Charter Township.
Depetro V James
Pete, Red, Terrell
Redford, Wayne County, MI 48239
February 25, 1973
February 3, 2005
Redford Charter Township, Wayne County, Michigan, United States
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Depetro V James' History: 1973 - 2005

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  • Introduction

    Depetro parents was Betty Colbert and Melvin James. My Ex was a hustler and He got in trouble, but he changes his life around. On August 11, 1973, a 17-year-old change my life as a 22-year-old. I met him at Uncle Joe Family Reunion. Uncle Joe is my Mom First Cousin and Aunt Gussie was married to him. They were together for 65 years. Pete lives in Michigan, but he came back and forth to Georgia every year. He had a Low rider Jeep, and when he came home it was there after 10 years. Pete was the first guy I had sex within Georgia. When he was away, he thought about me, and that keep him sane during his bid. I am glad we had closure before he died. He hung up on me because he was with another woman. I told him If you had someone be a man about it because I was down for you when you serve your bid. I call him and I said my mom is having her breast cancer surgery, and her right breast is being taken off, He said My Aunt Shirley is a breast cancer survivor, and I am going to pray for your mom. I am glad that I spoke to him because he died the next month. Pete was a sharp dresser, he had a boat, and he was good to Uncle Joe and Aunt Gussie. He taught me how to wear a Mink Coat, He was a jewelry lover and he love my Jewelry and wore my Jewelry. Pete was my soul mate. The Tarot cards readers told me he doesn't want anyone around me, especially with my boyfriend now. Me and my boyfriend I caught him cheating and he wants me back. Pete told me in his spirit If he loved me he would turn girls down like he did. I will love Pete until the day I die.
  • 02/25


    February 25, 1973
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Pete Mother and Father, Betty Colbert and Melvin James Born in Roberta Georgia. His Grandparents Was Homie and Edgar Colbert. His Aunt Shirley and Uncle Deek Was Close to Him. As Well as Uncle Joe and Aunt Gussie. He Had a Brother Name Rod and A Sister Name Lori. He Have a Lot of Nieces and Nephew. He Was Close to Buster, And Buster Look Like Him. Pete Was Good in Writing and Art
  • Nationality & Locations

    Pete Was Born in Roberta Georgia and He move back and forth to Detroit, He Died in Redford Michigan
  • Early Life & Education

    Pete Went to Mckinney High School, He Left in the 10th Grade. He Was Going to Computer School Because He Like Computers. If He Was Living, He Would Have a Cell Phone Store, He Would Be a Wiz in Computers
  • Religious Beliefs

    Yes, Pete Was a Church Man. He Was A Baptist He Grew Up in The Church
  • Personal Life & Family

    Pete Was A Hell Of A Dancer. My Dance Partner And Soul Mate. We Was Going To Take Dancing Lessons. He Like To Step. He Love Clothes, Jewelry, Travel , Food, Wine, Beer. He Loves Money, Fashion, Jewelry. Pete Love Me
  • 02/3


    February 3, 2005
    Death date
    malpractice from diabetes medicine
    Cause of death
    Redford Charter Township, Wayne County, Michigan United States
    Death location
  • 02/3

    Gravesite & Burial

    February 3, 2005
    Funeral date
    Redford Charter Township, Wayne County, Michigan United States
    Burial location
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