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Ernest F Hall 1935 - 1994

Ernest F Hall of Weatherford, Parker County, TX was born on April 22, 1935. He was married to Juanita Hall, and had a child Lanita Bowdoin. Ernest Hall died at age 59 years old on December 14, 1994.
Ernest F Hall
Weatherford, Parker County, TX 76087
April 22, 1935
December 14, 1994
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Ernest F Hall's History: 1935 - 1994

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  • Introduction

    "My Dad" I do not, or have not, ever had the normal family most people do. I have two brothers (that I feel like are my own kids), and a grandmother. And a mom. I have two children (one is a genius and the other I swear is so much like me when I was her age). Unlike most people, I grew up without a father. My father was murdered 6 months before I was born, he never even knew about me before he died. However, I had something much better. I had a grandfather that in my mind was Superman. I called him Dad. He and my grandmother mainly raised me. They were the only piece of stability I ever had growing up. When I was not with one of them, bad things happened to me all during my childhood. Even after my grandmother and grandfather divorced, he remained the most important person in my world. (He was only my grandfather by marriage, not blood related, but he was my grandfather since the day I was born.) My grandmother was my second most important person. On the day I was born, at the hospital, when he first saw me he named me "Buttons". To this day I have family members that do not know my real name. In their minds I will always be "Buttons". Even though he was not blood related, he still chose to allow me to stay in his world. When he remarried, he had me stand up with his new bride and him during the service. When he gave his new wife a ring and said his vows, he also gave me a ring and he vowed to always be my dad. I was 5 years old and that is one of my Page: 2 fondest memories. Later in life when I married Darin, I had my daughter (who was 5 at the time) stand and receive a ring as well. I hope that will be one of her fondest memories when she is older. I also remember growing up, eating homemade snow ice cream, sitting by the fireplace, listing to him play the guitar. I remember him teaching me to drive in his pick up. I remember, one day he decided I was not "lady like" enough. He told me I could not be a tom-boy all my life, so he sent me to a charm school, called Robert Spence School of modeling in Lubbock. There I was taught to apply my make up, eat with the proper silver ware, and act like a lady. (Even though I thought it was a prison at the time.) I am now very thankful for that. Dad had a terrible heart condition. He has 3 open-heart surgeries and three bypasses each time. He was told that he needed to sell his businesses in Lubbock, and retire somewhere with no stress. He moved to Horseshoe Bend in Weatherford Texas. A little golf resort area, where he soon became the president of the club. His doctor also made him take up knitting, as a stress relief. I still have an afghan he made for me. For years I would drive there every weekend to spend time with this God-like man (in my eyes). Page: 3 When I became pregnant with my son, he would make comments about hoping he would make it to see Britton. And he did. Britton was born in September of 1994. I cherish the videos I have of he and I at this time. One where we are both side by side with our "bellies" sticking out to see which was bigger. Watching that video last night I noticed him saying he did not think he would make it very much longer. Christmas was approaching fast, and my daughter wanted a life size Barbie. It was December of 1994. I could not find one anywhere here in Tyler. I called Dad and asked him to please see if they had one at Wal-mart in Weatherford. Lucky day. They had one. He bought it. It was $125. He called me on Tuesday night and told me it was ridiculous to spend that much money on a doll. And he wanted his money back now. (Keep in mind he was playing with me.) I told him I would be there to see him on Friday as normal. He said no, you need to come pay me now. Not working at the time, I took a trip to Weatherford. Spent Tuesday night, and most of the day Wednesday with him. I kept thinking it was just crazy because I would have been there on Friday night. I think he knew it would be the last time I would see him. On Thursday I received a call that Dad had gone out and played golf earlier that day, come home, fixed himself a glass of tea (which he did all the time) and reclined in his "chair". (Nobody sat in his chair, but him.) Closed his eyes and died in his sleep. He was 54. And he had won his game that day. I can think of no other way for him to have died that would have been more perfect or fitting. However, for many months I wanted to die without him. And seeing him lying in the casket Page: 4 before he was buried broke my heart. I remember as a little girl crawling up in his lap when I felt scared or just needed to be loved. All I wanted to do was crawl into the casket with him. He was so known for his practical jokes, I wanted so badly for him to sit up and it all be a joke. I wanted my Dad, and I did not care if it was selfish, I was not ready for him to leave. This man was about 6 foot 4, and weighed around 285. He was not only my dad, but also my hero. And here I am 13 years later still grieving for the man, even in death; he will always be my number one man in my life. The reason this comes up now is because last night I found a picture of me when I was two years old, and my Dad. He was dressed like Santa, for me. He would always do anything for me. And my world was a much better place with this man, who really did not have to stay in my world after the divorce. I had a Christmas ornament made that has a gofer sitting on a golf ball, holding a golf club. On the ball it says in remembrance of Dad. Every Christmas when I put the tree up, I take a moment and think of this wonderful man, when I place this ornament on the tree. Even though I never had a "father", I had a "Dad". And I cannot imagine anything I would have rather had. Missing my Dad, especially today......
  • 04/22


    April 22, 1935
  • Military Service

    US Navy
  • Professional Career

    He owned Lubbock Barcade
  • Personal Life & Family

    President of The Horseshoe Bend Resort Community
  • 12/14


    December 14, 1994
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Death location
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