A photo of Erwin Frank Klocko

Erwin Frank Klocko 1918 - 1985

Erwin Frank Klocko of Redford, Wayne County, Michigan 48239 was born on March 5, 1918 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan United States, and died at age 66 years old on January 20, 1985 in Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan United States.
Erwin Frank Klocko
Redford, Wayne County, Michigan 48239
March 5, 1918
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, United States
January 20, 1985
Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, United States
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Erwin Frank Klocko's History: 1918 - 1985

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  • Introduction

    Erwin Frank Klocko was born on March 5, 1918 to parents Peter Walter Klocko (1893-1959) and Mamie A Szymczak (1892-1969). He had a brother Mark Peter Klocko (1922-1977). He resided in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA for most of his life and graduated from Detroit’s Wayne State University in 1942. Shortly after graduation, he joined the Army and served from September 4, 1943 until his discharge on March 23, 1946. While in the Army, he was a musician.
  • 03/5


    March 5, 1918
    Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Erwin Frank Klocko was born on March 5, 1918 to parents Peter Walter Klocko and Mamie A Szymczak. He had a brother Mark Peter Klocko (1922-1977). His father Peter was born in March of 1893 in New York and grew up in Dunkirk Ward 1, Chautauqua, New York, USA. He first married Elizabeth Gertrude Rumpa on July 1, 1913 in Dunkirk, Chautauqua, New York, USA and they had a short marriage later divorcing on March 21, 1917 in Michigan. A few months later he re married to Mamie on May 14, 1917 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA. He worked as a core maker in Detroit where they raised their family. He passed away in 1959. His mother Mamie was born around 1892 in New York and grew up in Dunkirk, Chautauqua, New York, USA. After marrying Peter on May 14, 1917 she raised their two sons in Dunkirk, NY and Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. She passed away on March 22, 1969.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Erwin resided in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA for most of his life.
  • Early Life & Education

    He graduated from Detroit’s Wayne State University in 1942. See Erwin Frank Klocko- Wayne University.
  • Military Service

    Erwin F Klocko served in the US Army from September 4, 1943 until his discharge on March 23, 1946. While in the Army, he was a musician.
  • Professional Career

    I’m not certain this is the Erwin Klocko who was band director of Detroit Public Schools’ Durfee Junior High School when I was there in 7th grade in 1958. However, it appears the timeline matches. He graduated from Detroit’s Wayne State University in 1942. It appears he was in the US Army as a musician during subsequent years. Mr. Klocko led the Durfee Jr. High School Band program for several years before I was enrolled there. The band had just published a 33 rpm album. As a 10-year-old trumpet player I had already been playing for three years at Duane Doty Elementary and was able to move up to first chair fairly quickly despite a lack of self confidence. Mr. Klocko took a special interest in me and gave me private lessons leading up to a citywide school band competition in which Durfee’s lead trumpets were featured in a Latin piece called Broadcast From Brazil. The 2nd trumpet and I were to stand onstage in front of the band and play the tune’s flashy melody to a huge audience. The very thought of this was terrifying to me but Mr. Klocko was convincing in his belief that I was more than up to the task. However, upon arriving at the auditorium before the concert, the band was informed that Mr. Klocko had been hospitalized earlier for a heart attack and would not be able to conduct. I was horror-stricken. When it came to our turn to play, my knees were shaking. All I could do was to focus on Mr. Klocko’s words of encouragement to get me through the performance. The solo piece went remarkably well. It did so, I think, because Mr. Klocko helped me overcome my lack of self-confidence and despite his not being there, I was able to succeed. Fortunately Mr. Klocko recovered quickly and was back at school in just a few days. His always upbeat, humorous attitude was infectious. Standing at the podium and smiling in front of the entire band at the beginning of the hour, he looked over at my shaggy 10-year-old head and said, “Mr. Nunn, you never seem to come to band rehearsal with your hair combed. Why is that?” Everyone looked at me. Without hesitation I said, “Mr. Klocko, when you were a kid, did you always comb your hair before school?” He replied, “Why yes, of course.” I smiled back at his balding pate and said, “And look what it’s done for you.” Mr. Klocko was the first to laugh, which gave the rest of the band permission to laugh. That was the kind of teacher, the kind of leader, and the kind of man Irwin Klocko was. And I’ve never forgotten it.
  • Personal Life & Family

    On June 15, 1940 Erwin married Vera Clara Lau (1917–2007) in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA. The couple had children together including a son Charles Erwin Klocko (1950-2020).
  • 01/20


    January 20, 1985
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan United States
    Death location
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Erwin Frank Klocko- Wayne University
Erwin Frank Klocko- Wayne University
1942 senior yearbook photo of Erwin from Wayne University in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Date & Place: at Wayne State University 42 West Warren Avenue, in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan 48202, United States
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