A photo of Gengie C Jameson

Gengie C Jameson c. 1950 - c. 1999

Gengie C Jameson of Houston, Harris County, TX was born on May 7, 1950 in Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas United States to James Jameson and Mary Lee Jameson. She had siblings Terry Burkely, Vicky Sue Thomas, Bernard Jameson, John Jameson, Mary Catherine Byars, Tony Jameson, and James Russell "Rusty" Jameson. She married Bobby Mayess, and had children Stacey Jameson- Palmer, Anthony Jameson, Kellie Jameson, and Brittinay Mayes. Gengie Jameson died at age 49 years old on June 7, 1999 in Houston, Harris County, TX, and was buried on June 14, 1999 at Paradise Cemetery 10401 West Montgomery Road, in Houston.
Gengie C Jameson
Houston, Harris County, TX 77072
May 7, 1950
Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, United States
June 7, 1999
Houston, Harris County, Texas, United States
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Gengie C Jameson's History: circa 1950 - circa 1999

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  • Introduction

    Gengie C. Jameson- Mayes (b. Virginia Clara Jameson) was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, to James Jameson and Mary Lee Jameson (nee` Burton). Growing up, Gengie was quit the popular, fashionable spontaneous one, of her mothers 8 children. During her high school years, she attended Phillis Wheatley High School, in San Antonio, TX. With her ankle-high white boots, short uniform skirt, and high hair- with flipped curls, she was one of the popular & beautiful, baton twirling Majorettes. She caught the attention of a football player, by the name of Houston "Bingo" Lee, and fell in love with him. Houston, was her High school sweet heart. According to Gengie, he was her first love, and the first to break her heart. Soon after graduation, things fell apart and they both agreed to go their separate ways. Gengie then moved to Colorado, and shortly after her brief stay, she moved to what would be her permanent state and residence- Houston, Texas. Gengie, a free spirited and strong willed person, was always determined to do whatever her heart desired. She knew what she wanted and she went for it, even though, some of the decisions that she made, were a mere, "roll of the dice". In her early twenties, she became the mother of Stacey & Anthony. Two years after Anthony was born, she met and fell in love with Bobby Joe Mayes, then two years later, she bore Kellie. During the age of Kellie's toddler years, Gengie and Bobby began to have troubles in their relationship. They both decided to separate for a while, to let the conflict and confusion, die down. During this "On Break" period, Gengie met a Deacon at a local church, by the name of James Monroe Turner. Her and "Monroe" began dating, and after a while, she became pregnant with Brittinay. Brittinay was born November 4,1982, and just two months later, her entire family was hit with a devastating blow. Her father, James "Big Daddy" Jameson", passed away from complications of liver failure. Later, her and Bobby reunited, only to permanently separate 5 years later, with Bobby still being a father and father figure, to all four children. Gengie then began on a downwards spiral of alcoholism, and in 1989, she was hit with another devastating blow, by being hospitalized, and later diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the Liver- because of alcohol abuse, and given 10 years to live. She was given a blood transfusion, and per Doctors order, to stay away from alcohol. Even after that terrible time, Gengie, being the strong willed person that she was, continued for another 2 years, drinking immensely, after the Doctors orders. In the winter of 1990, Gengie lost custody of her 2 youngest children, Kellie & Brittinay to CPS (Child Protective Services). Kellie & Brittinay was taken in from CPS, by their grandmother, Mary Lee Jameson. During her time away from her two youngest children, Gengie continued to abuse alcohol, until she had a run in with the law, that landed her in the Country jail, for a year and a half. After her stay in Jail, she was release in 1993. Fighting for her children, she was a new woman; no longer abusing alcohol, and certainly had a new perspective of life. She definitely had an Ora of peace around her. She Moved in with her oldest, Stacey, and lived there for some time until she was able to get her own place. Not long afterwards, she was able to get her two children back, who lived with her mother, Mary Lee. Later Gengie was hit with another devastating diagnosis. She was found to have Hepatitis C, which is a incurable condition that also affects the liver, and many other parts of the body. She received this infection from the blood transfusion that she was given in 1989. Even though that was a tough situation to deal with, Gengie braced herself, and over the next 6 years, She proved herself and her faith in God. Being the strong Christian woman that she was, she loved like she never loved, prayed more than ever before and trusted God even more. She gained the trust of her family, as well as the strength to keep going, even though she knew that her 10 years were coming to an end. Patience; she had. Love; she gave. Life; she respected, and Brave; she was. On May 27, 1999, Gengie was rushed to the hospital with an unbearable pain in her right side and abdomen. She was given morphine as a sedative, however, in spite of the top care of the medical professionals around her, her bodily organs began to shut down, one by one. She was sedated, and put in a coma-like state. The doctors eventually were able to stop the pain. She was finally pain free, and in a state of peace, while family was around her continuously. For a very brief moment, she awoke and gave her daughter's Stacey & Brittinay, brief instructions, and then she closed her eyes. She was ready to go on. Days later, on June 7,1999, Gengie C. Jameson- Mayes, passed away, with family around her. She was buried on June 14,1999, in Paradise Cemetery (located @ 10401 W Montgomery Rd, Houston, TX 77088) ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ * ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ At the end of her life, we can say that Gengie was a wonderful bubbly person, who was very caring and gentle, as well as Funny! She cracked jokes and laughed with her children all the time. She also, always sacrificed for the well-being of her children, by doing what she had to, to make ends meet. Times were hard, but her children knew no pain or struggle because she made sure to carry the family's burdens, only on her shoulders. This is about a woman who overcame adversities, fought with bravery, and won against all odds.
  • 05/7


    May 7, 1950
    Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

  • Nationality & Locations

  • Early Life & Education

    High school graduate of Phillis Wheatley. Vocational training
  • Religious Beliefs

  • Military Service

  • Professional Career

    Nurses aid
  • Personal Life & Family

  • 06/7


    June 7, 1999
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Houston, Harris County, Texas United States
    Death location
  • 06/14

    Gravesite & Burial

    June 14, 1999
    Funeral date
    Paradise Cemetery 10401 West Montgomery Road, in Houston, Texas 77088, US
    Burial location
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Gengie C Jameson (b. Virginia C Jameson)
Gengie C Jameson (b. Virginia C Jameson)
A photo of Gengie C Jameson
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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