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Goldburn F Kimbrough 1905 - 1999

Goldburn F Kimbrough of Hamilton, Caldwell County, MO was born on October 7, 1905, and died at age 93 years old on February 10, 1999.
Goldburn F Kimbrough
Hamilton, Caldwell County, MO 64644
October 7, 1905
February 10, 1999
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Goldburn F Kimbrough's History: 1905 - 1999

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  • Introduction

    I am Gobys granddaughter and daughter. Gobys was the Best of the very best in the grandpa and dad department. He was a hard person to know, the song of Reba Mcentire, comes to mind, Greatest Man Ill Never Know. Grandpa worked with the BEST OF VERY BEST IN ARMS! THAT IS ALL ILL BE ABLE TO EVER SAY. He doted on us two kids, I was his side kick, he dealt antiques, taught me everything I know in regards and a respect and love for oak. Grandpa taught us the Old Ways, he was Smart as a tack, No Nonsense and as grams, Zero tolerance for Bullshit. He would put you on the spot and in your place with a well placed remark. His sidekick, myself, took after him! Grandpa was a very Special person as was grams! Always ready to lend an ear, a hug and a warm smile or two. He gave excellent advice, and he made you think things through well. He went with Gut Instinct, taught us to do the same, and Never steered you wrong. He read people well, we followed in footsteps! Grandpa put me up on my very first horse, thereafter A love of horses followed. His brother, my Uncle, both Proud papas, told me in later years before passing tragicly, that I was a Natural Kindred Spirit to all whom passed through my life. My fondest memory were of spending Sundays watching the "classics and our ANGEL VISITING FROM NORTH" WHOM TRULY WAS THE SIX OF OURS 'APPLE OF OUR EYES, A REAL BEAUTY AND TRUE ANGEL IN ALL OUR EYES, THEY AND US LOVED HER MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.'" BOTH GOBY AND MAMIE, were well suited for each other. My grandpa taught me the TN WALTZ AND TOLD ME, WE WILL DANCE THIS ONE TOGETHER AT YOUR WEDDING WITH THAT HANDSOME MAN YOU FELL FOR. MY GRANDPA NEVER MADE IT TO THAT DAY, MY HUSBAND DIDNT EITHER. HE DIED SERVING HIS COUNTRY. MAY THEY REST EASY. Life was Never dull, because gramps could be so serious one minute and have you in laughter the next! My favorite was when their Nemesis would call and as he would say, that cackling old hen, she always calls at the wrong dam time to raise the dander! It was hilarious the expression and tone he would use that sent you into stitches! Goby, was a private man, and he would tell you to mind your dam business in no uncertain terms and kick your a** in the next! We truly learned from the very best of men! Both us kids pretty much the same way. Zero tolerance on Witch Hunts done! He was our grandpa and dad combined. There was ALWAYS LOVE AND PEACE AND HOME TO US TWO KIDS. MINUTE YOU OPENED THAT DOOR PEACE BEGAN. YOU HAD COME HOME! OUR grandpa put up a fight to survive, but, thankfully, passed on in sleep. The day we put him to rest beside grams, we truly lost our real parents. Both are Never far from our hearts, thoughts and prayers. I will ALWAYS BE FOREVER THANKFUL FOR THEM RAISING US TO BE PROUD ADULTS, WITH INTEGRITY AND UPBRINGING. THEY WERE OUR LIFE AND WE ARE BETTER PERSONS FOR KNOWING AND LOVING THEM. REST EASY.
  • 10/7


    October 7, 1905
  • 02/10


    February 10, 1999
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Death location
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