A photo of Gordon Madison Hatcher

Gordon Madison Hatcher 1931 - c. 1950

Gordon Madison Hatcher of Houston, Winston County, Alabama 35572, United States was born on September 13, 1931 in Alabama United States, and died at age 19 years old circa December 1, 1950 in North Korea. Gordon Hatcher was buried at Glenwood Cemetery in Chipley, Washington County, Florida 32428, United States.
Gordon Madison Hatcher
Houston, Winston County, Alabama 35572, United States
September 13, 1931
Alabama, United States
circa December 1, 1950
North Korea
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Gordon Madison Hatcher's History: 1931 - circa 1950

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  • Introduction

    Gordon Madison Hatcher was born on September 13, 1931 in Alabama to parents Gordon "Green" Madison Hatcher (1888-1981) and Minnie Lee Scott (1903-2003). Private First Class Gordon Madison Hatcher, Jr. demonstrated his dedication to both the mission and his fellow soldiers during his service in the US Army throughout the Korean War. As a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, he exemplified the commitment and valor of those who served alongside him. Tragically, Corporal Hatcher was declared Missing in Action while engaging the enemy in North Korea on December 1, 1950. After an extended period of uncertainty, he was officially presumed dead on December 31, 1953. In recognition of his courageous service, Corporal Hatcher was posthumously bestowed with several esteemed honors. These include the Purple Heart, a symbol of his wounds sustained in combat, the Combat Infantryman's Badge, attesting to his frontline participation, and the Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Presidential Unit Citation, and the Republic of Korea War Service Medal, acknowledging his contributions to the war effort and his commendable actions on behalf of his country.
  • 09/13


    September 13, 1931
    Alabama United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Gordon Madison Hatcher was born on September 13, 1931 to parents Gordon "Green" Madison Hatcher and Minnie Lee Scott. He had siblings inlcuding a brother Jimmie Grene Hatcher (1935-2003) and many half siblings one his father's side as well. His mother, Minnie was born on February 21, 1903 in Houston Co.unty Alabama and grew up in Ashford, Houston, Alabama, USA. She first married Olen Owen Lawrence (1905–1928) in November of 1928. The marriage was short as he died that same year. She then re married on November 17, 1929 to Gordon. She passed away in Bonifay, Holmes, Florida, USA on October 7, 2003. His father, Gordon "Green" was born on August 14, 1888 in Hartford, Geneva Co., Alabama and grew up in St Paul, Geneva, Alabama, USA. He first married Ella Susan Hicks (1891–1929) on November 17, 1909 and together they had children John, Marion, Eunice, Elga, and Tulley Hatcher. After her passing in 1929, he re married to Minnie on November 17, 1929. He worked as a farmer in Ashford, Houston, Alabama, USA. Green passed away on January 23, 1981 in Chipley, Washington Co., Fla.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Gordon Hatcher was born in Alabama and grew up in Geneva, Alabama. He later lived in Houston, Alabama, USA.
  • Military Service

    Private First Class Gordon Madison Hatcher, Jr. served in the US Army during the Korean War. He was assigned to HQ CO 9 REGT 2ID, demonstrating his commitment to the mission and his fellow soldiers. Corporal Hatcher was a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. He was listed as Missing in Action while fighting the enemy in North Korea on December 1, 1950. He was presumed dead on December 31, 1953. He is listed on records as Gordon Madison Hatcher, Jr. He was awarded with the Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Presidential Unit Citation and the Republic of Korea War Service Medal.
  • 12/1


    circa December 1, 1950
    Death date
    Missing in action and presumed dead
    Cause of death
    North Korea
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Glenwood Cemetery in Chipley, Washington County, Florida 32428, United States
    Burial location
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Gordon Madison Hatcher
Gordon Madison Hatcher
A photo of Gordon Madison Hatcher. He was the son of Green Madison Hatcher and Minnie Scott, Hatcher. He was killed in Action during the Korean Conflict.
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Gordon and Madison match two of my Scott family names. Little known about linage. Lee Charles Scott, my Grandfather, born in Texas 5/31/83. His father was railroad engineer from Kentucky. Any conection?
I don't think so. moment please loading spinner
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