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Harry J Abresch 1923

Harry J Abresch of Howard County, Indiana United States was born on September 6, 1923 in Kokomo to Harry Abresch.
Harry J Abresch
Howard County, Indiana United States
September 6, 1923
Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana, 46901, United States
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Harry J Abresch's History: 1923

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  • 09/6


    September 6, 1923
    Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana 46901, United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Harry’s parent were both born in the United States.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Born in Kokomo, Indiana
  • Early Life & Education

    2 Years Of High School
  • Religious Beliefs

    Harry Junior Abresch believed in his God...but also believed we are supposed to live our lives in a fun and positive way. If you were feeling bad...he was always good for a laugh.
  • Military Service

    Military serial#: 35143398 Enlisted: May 6, 1943 in Indianapolis Indiana Military branch: Army Rank: Left military as a Corporal Terms of enlistment: Active duty - 1943 to 1944
  • Professional Career

    Harry was always a general labor ... a working man. No extensive education for him. He preferred working with his hands vs. sitting at a desk.
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Who was “Junior Abresch”
Harry Junior Abresch (his middle name was “Junior” but his father’s first name was also “Harry” ... so people always assumed he was “Harry, Jr.” ). But, “Junior” was actually...his middle name. The second of seven children born to Harry Oscar Abresch and Clella Lucille (Solomon) Abresch, he had an older sister (Betty Jo), then Harry, followed by two brothers (Charles and William) and a sister (Audrey). Harry had twin brothers who were stillborn at birth. Like many of his time, he found a way to make it through the depression, but because poverty was common among his peers, he could not afford schoolbooks for his education. To make do...he shared schoolbooks with his friends. This became so indelibly etch in his mind, he made a promise to himself...when he became an adult...he would have hundreds...if not thousands of books in his home. Though he was born a “natural athlete” he did not possess the size of his cohorts...and suffered some ridicule as he was always told he little to play in sports where size was considered an asset. Fortunately for Harry, at the age of thirteen, he found the local YMCA where he would spend a significant amount of time “staying in shape”. While there, an employee suggested “Junior” focus on non-contact sports...such as baseball. At the age of fifteen, he had developed enough skill as an infielder, it was suggested he try out for a position in the local “Men’s Softball League”. Falsifying his age, he did just that. As a shortstop/third baseman, he was known for his quickness on defense... and his speed on the bases. Word spread quickly throughout the area about “the kid at the hot corner”. But his reputation was short-lived. Unfortunately for “Junior”, his father had a drinking problem...a bad drinking problem. It was the early spring of 1940...and baseball season was just around the corner...but so was World War Two. As this country began to realize it would be difficult not to be a part of protecting freedom throughout the world...they also realized many of the “big league”baseball players might be “marching off to war”. To fill the anticipated void of having enough players to prevent the cancellation of the “season”... teams began to send out scout to recruit new players. One sunny downtown Kokomo, two Chicago Cubs baseball team scouts showed up hoping to find some talent. The locals suggested they take in a scheduled softball game at Foster Park. It just happened...”Junior” was playing third base that day. Apparently, when the game ended, they approached Harry spoke to him...and asked if he would like to “tryout” for Cubs. When he responded...”I’ll have to ask my Dad”...they realized...he was a minor. “Junior” ran as fast as he could...the mile or so to his home...and told his father what had happened. His father...having just awakened in the early afternoon following a “boys night out”... and still feeling the pangs of the previous nights beer and whiskey...told his son...”No son of mine is gonna’ play baseball anywhere.” His heart broken...”Harry Junior”...would walk back to the Park...and relay his father’s message to the scouts who walked away ... and into Harry Junior Abresch’s history. Perhaps out of frustration... Harry turned to boxing. In 1942, he was a “Silver Gloves” Championship in Indiana in the welterweight class. He joined the U.S. Army in 1943 and served his country honorably as a radio operator for the 81st Infantry Wildcat Division in the Southeast Asian theater...specifically on the islands of Palau, Peleliu, and the Phillipine Islands. As mentioned previously...”Junior” was a natural athlete...and there were few “sports” he could not adapt to quickly. On February 8, 1948 ... Harry married Jane Ann Stitt...and would have build a family with five children...a girl, Sheryl Anne in 1948...a boy, Robert Garland in 1949...a girl, Esther Louise in 1952...a boy John Milton in 1959(died in 1969)...and a boy. William Joseph in 1962. Harry was a lifetime Chicago Cubs and Bears fan...and as the years progressed...bowling and golf became the focus of his sporting world. He was an easy going man...who was as kind, hospitable, and generous (to a fault) ... but fierce when stirred to anger. All of this is only a portion of his is the case with so many thousands of good people around the world. Harry “Junior” Abresch was the kind of man you would cherish as a friend...who you could depend on in your time of need as a neighbor...and as his son ... the kind of man I always wanted to be...and still do. My Dad is someone this world...and His God could be proud of. Wish you all could have known him. You would have liked “Harry”. Oh, yes. He left behind a lot of books.
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