A photo of JoAnne (Walker) Long

JoAnne (Walker) Long 1935

Joanne (Walker) Long was born on June 22, 1935 to John Walker and Winnie (Stacy) Walker, and has siblings Margaret Walker and Heddy Louise Walker. Joanne Long married Jerry Long, and has children Sarah Long and Cynthia Lynnette (Long) Stricker.
Joanne (Walker) Long
June 22, 1935
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Joanne (Walker) Long's History: 1935

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7 Memories, Stories & Photos about Joanne

JoAnne Walker
JoAnne Walker
A photo of JoAnne Walker
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Is she the tall one in the back ?
Twins ??
Walker Famiily Reunion. Indiana
Walker Famiily Reunion. Indiana
Family Reunion-Connersville, Indiana: August 1963 Front Row L to R: (1 ) Sara, (2) JoAnne Walker-Long holding Jacqueline (Jackie) Campbell's baby girl, (3) Margaret. My mother was 7 month's pregnant with me (4) and (5) "Little Bill" Jackie's son. Jackie is standing beside JoAnne Walker-Long (Left). Jackie was the oldest child of Gypsy Cornette Campbell and Wallace Campbell. Wallace was the son of Aunt Martha and Adam Campbell. Gypsy & Wallace had 3 children: Jackie, Peggy Ann & "Baby Wally" and later on they had another daughter (her name was Mary) Second Row, L to R: (6) Aunt Spice,wife of Pearl Campbell, (7) Grandma Margaret (Polly or Aunt Pop) Walker, wife of Rev. John W. Walker, (8) Martha Campbell, wife of Adam Campbell. To Jackie's left is her Mother, (9) Gypsy, Asbell Walker's second wife, (10)Vella, (11) Grandma Winnie Stacy Walker, wife of John W. Walker II, and (12) Elizabeth Marie Walker Deaton, wife of Chester Deaton. Back Row, L to R: (13) Frank Walker, (14) Helen Campbell standing in back of her Mother, Aunt Martha, and my (15) Grandpa Walker. Asbell's first wife was Willie Mae Brock of Hazard.
People in photo include: Frank Walker
Date & Place:
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The little girl with white socks on? Short hair. Who is that?
JoAnne Walker
JoAnne Walker
The girl in the back and on the left is JoAnne Walker. "saluting girls during WWII" Cousins; JoAnn Walker-Long, Peggy Ann Campbell, Carol Ann Campbell, Donna Lynn Deaton and Ron Deaton (going from back to front, and left to right) This is on Second Creek in Hazard, Ky

Who are the other girls in photo
Date & Place: in Hazard, Perry County, Kentucky United States
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Cousins; JoAnn Walker-Long, Peggy Ann Campbell, Carol Ann Campbell, Donna Lynn Deaton and Ron Deaton (going from back to front, and left to right) This is on Second Creek in Hazard, Ky
Who is the little one in the front ? Dark hair
John, Winnie, & JoAnne Walker
John, Winnie, & JoAnne Walker
John Walker and Wife Winnie (Stacy) Walker
and daughter JoAnne, back from Sunday School
Date & Place: in Hazard, Perry County, Kentucky United States
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Who is the little girl in front ? With the curls
That's my mother JoAnne with her parents, John and Winnie (Stacy) Walker in Hazard, Ky in the 1930's
JoAnne Walker
JoAnne Walker
A photo of JoAnne Walker, Piano Recital
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Hazard, Ky
She looks so much like my mum. Mine was adopted. To the Thompsons.
More on this little girl please thank you Lori
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