A photo of Larry Glen Kosley

Larry Glen Kosley 1935 - 2018

Larry Glen Kosley of Colorado Springs, Colorado United States was born on January 15, 1935 in Twin Lakes to Andrew Kosley and Anna Kosley. He had siblings Loretta Molner and John Jerald Kosley. He was the father of Curtis Allen Kosley Jr. Larry Kosley died at age 83 years old on July 10, 2018 in Colorado Springs.
Larry Glen Kosley
Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
January 15, 1935
Twin Lakes, Colorado, 81251, United States
July 10, 2018
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
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Larry Glen Kosley's History: 1935 - 2018

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  • Introduction

    Larry departed this life on July 10, 2018 in Twin Lakes Colorado while on a family fishing trip. He was born in Ramah, Colorado to Andrew and Anna (Lemesany) Kosley and was very proud to be the youngest of 20 children born into this family. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Edna Mae (Dzuris) Kosley along with his two sons Curtis and Jeff (Dana), four grandchildren, Dustin, Steven, Jena and Casey. He has two remaining brothers, Ray (Chris) of Colorado Springs and Jim from Longmont, and 2 sisters in law Ruth (Dick) Harriett (Andy) He leaves behind numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Proceeding in his passing were his parents Andrew and Anna, brothers John, Tom (Waunita), Andy, Robert (Grace), Leo (Helen), Ernie (Brooke) and Dick. His sisters were Mary Nice (Oscar), Anna Ashcroft (Jim), Emma Fuller(Ike), Dorothy Philips (John), Loretta Molner(Frank), Elsie Kochis (Albert), Agnes Gotch( George),Betty, Roxine and Barbara Watts(Al) Larry Graduated from Ramah High School as Class President in 1953 and was the last class to graduate from that school. He was drafted in to the Army in 1954 and served his required time and was honorably discharged in 1956. He married Edna Mae Dzuris on June 10, 1956 and spent the next 62 years with her. He was a guitar player in the Molner Band, which played all over eastern Colorado for many years playing for dances, weddings and other occasions. In 1962 he accepted a job from the Colorado Springs Department of Public Utilities where he would eventually become a Substation Maintenance Supervisor and retired in 1989 after 28 years of service. Sports were always apart of his life growing up as he played baseball and basketball with his brothers and those in the surrounding area. He became a fan of the Broncos and Rockies but really enjoyed watching the Avalanche and all NHL hockey. He was a season ticket holder for Colorado College Hockey. As a Parent and Grandparent he rarely ever missed any games that were played to include football, softball, baseball and inline and ice hockey. He made several trips across the country to watch Jena play ice hockey including Green Bay, San Jose, Sante Fe, and Duluth and even braving Fargo in the deepest part of winter. He would go anywhere to see the grandkids participate in sports. Larry had several hobbies and interests to occupy his time. He was always ready to take a trip up to Cripple Creek to try his luck on the machines. He kept busy working in the basement on his ever-changing model train layouts He had bowled for about 50 years and for many years bowled in 2 leagues a week including one with all his brothers at Peak Bowl. He took up golf late in life and enjoyed it when the grandkids got to go out with him. It gave him a new appreciation for the sport while watching it on TV. 1989 to 1993 He was the President of the Colorado Hill Climb Association and also one of the lead characters that supported bingo night to help fund the hill climb club. He was one of the self proclaimed Bingo Czars along with good friends Bob Gillis and Dave Strohm. Monthly Board meetings were held in his basement and once adjourned it would take hours before everyone would make it home
  • 01/15


    January 15, 1935
    Twin Lakes, Colorado 81251, United States
  • 07/10


    July 10, 2018
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
    Death location
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Larry Glen Kosley
Larry Glen Kosley
Larry Glen Kosley is the child of Andrew Kosley.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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