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Orse Hampton 1925 - 1992

Orse Junior Hampton of Green Valley Rd, in Buncombe County, North Carolina United States was born on September 30, 1925 to Naomi Hampton and Jesse Garner Hampton. He had siblings Jack Hampton, Allie Mae (Hampton) Reece, Dewey Hampton, Lois Hampton, William Lewis Hampton, Cornelius Hampton, Joseph Adam Hampton, and Jerrline Hampton. He married Evelyn Venya Hampton on September 30, 1953 at Walhalla Courthouse in Walhalla, Oconee County, South Carolina, and had children Hiawatha (Hampton) Fisher, Doug Hampton, Sharon Shelton, Rick Hampton, and Kathy Payne. Orse Hampton died at age 66 years old on February 16, 1992, and was buried on February 16, 1992 at Rocky Branch Cemetery in Waynesville, Haywood County, NC.
Orse Junior Hampton
Green Valley Rd, in Buncombe County, North Carolina 28748, United States
September 30, 1925
February 16, 1992
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Orse Junior Hampton's History: 1925 - 1992

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  • Introduction

    Orse Hampton was born in 1925, to Jesse G. and Naomi (Medford) Hampton. He married Evelyn Venya Inman on September 30, 1953. He was raised in deep poverty and tragically. He helplessly watched as his six year old twin sister died of yellow fever in 1931. He unfortunately developed a personality disorder and was known to become very aggressive and violent at times, starting with his wife and later becoming such towards his children. He was known to settle any disagreement or dispute through physical means, and he never lost any of the fights he was involved in. Many times these fights started over work disputes or against landlords who moved to evict him for various reasons. This caused Orse and his family to have to move over 25 times throughout his lifetime. Throughout the fights and the domestic abuse, his wife Evelyn remained by his side and married to him until his death in 1992.
  • 09/30


    September 30, 1925
  • Nationality & Locations

    Orse was born in a barn in Buncombe County, NC in 1925. He spent most of his life living in Buncombe County, but he had also lived in Haywood County, as well. He mostly worked as a dairy farmer, and had worked at a local dairy on Lovejoy Rd in Bethel, NC, off Rocky Branch Rd. He had also lived with his wife and children in a small blue house at the bottom of Waynesville Mountain, on the Bethel side, in the curve before you begin the climb up. This was the first house he and his family had ever lived in that had indoor plumbing. This living arrangement also didn’t last very long, and they moved some more. He and his family moved many times, moving between Buncombe and Haywood Counties.
  • Religious Beliefs

    Orse was not religious at all, and he willingly and knowingly rejected religion.
  • Military Service

    Orse was not a veteran of any war or military Branch.
  • Professional Career

    Orse mostly worked in dairy farming, and was usually milking cows when he wasn’t fighting or moving.
  • 02/16


    February 16, 1992
    Death date
    Orse came home after a day of working as a dairy farmer and took a shower. Inside the shower he slipped and fell, hitting his ribs against the bathtub. He then went to bed later that evening feeling unwell. His fall had (unbeknownst to him) broken some ribs and one of those ribs had punctured one of his lungs. While he was sleeping, his lungs were filling with fluid, and he essentially drowned in his sleep.
    Cause of death
    Death location
  • 02/16

    Gravesite & Burial

    February 16, 1992
    Funeral date
    Rocky Branch Cemetery in Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina 28786, United States
    Burial location
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