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Paul Grimm Degarmo 1924 - 1994

Paul Grimm DeGarmo of Capon Springs, Hampshire County, WV was born on May 26, 1924 in Greene County, Pennsylvania United States, and died at age 70 years old on June 18, 1994 in Capon Springs, Hampshire County, WV. Paul DeGarmo was buried at Sand Hill Cemetery in East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, PA.
Paul Grimm DeGarmo
Capon Springs, Hampshire County, WV 26823
May 26, 1924
Greene County, Pennsylvania, United States
June 18, 1994
Capon Springs, Hampshire County, West Virginia, 26851, United States
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Paul Grimm DeGarmo's History: 1924 - 1994

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  • Introduction

    Paul Grimm Degarmo was born on May 26, 1924 in Deep Valley, Greene Co, PA to parents Charles Edward De Garmo (1889-1958) and Edith Pearl Grimm (1891-1952). He grew up in Spring Hill Township, Greene Co, PA. Paul was drafted into the military during World War II. He registered for the draft on June 30, 1942, when he was 18 years old, and listed himself as the head of the household. At the time of his registration, Paul was residing in New Freeport, Greene, Pennsylvania. Following his draft registration, Paul went on to enlist in the U.S. Army on March 29, 1943, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was single, without dependents, and classified as a Private. Paul served in the Army throughout World War II, and continued his military service until December 17, 1945, when he was discharged from the Army.
  • 05/26


    May 26, 1924
    Greene County, Pennsylvania United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was white. His father Charles Edward De Garmo was born on September 16, 1889 in Barnesville, Belmont Co, OH and he passed away on December 31, 1958 in Washington, Washington Co, PA. His mother Edith Pearl Grimm was born in Deep Valley, Greene Co, PA in October of 1891 and she passed away in Spring Hill Township, Greene Co, PA on January 5, 1952.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Paul was born in Deep Valley, Greene Co, PA and grew up in Spring Hill Twp, Greene Co, PA. He later lived in Pine Bank, Greene Co, PA and New Freeport, Greene Co, PA.
  • Early Life & Education

    He completed a grammar school education.
  • Military Service

    Paul Grimm Degarmo was drafted into the military during World War II. He registered for the draft on June 30, 1942, when he was 18 years old, and listed himself as the head of the household. At the time of his registration, Paul was residing in New Freeport, Greene, Pennsylvania. He had a height of 6 feet and weighed 150 pounds, with a light complexion, brown hair, and brown eyes. Following his draft registration, Paul went on to enlist in the U.S. Army on March 29, 1943, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was single, without dependents, and classified as a Private. His civil occupation prior to enlisting was listed as semiskilled occupations in the fabrication of metal products, not elsewhere classified. Paul's educational background indicated that he attended grammar school. Upon enlisting, Paul was assigned to the Army branch, and his enlistment was within the "Selectees (Enlisted Men)" component, indicating he was drafted rather than volunteering for service. His service number was 33675674. Paul served in the Army throughout World War II, and continued his military service until December 17, 1945, when he was discharged from the Army.
  • Professional Career

    Paul worked in the fabrication of metal products.
  • Personal Life & Family

    He was married to Rosedale Gorby (1925-2001).
  • 06/18


    June 18, 1994
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Capon Springs, Hampshire County, West Virginia 26851, United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Sand Hill Cemetery in East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania 18302, United States
    Burial location
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