A photo of Raymond Eluhow

Raymond Eluhow 1923 - 1991

Raymond Eluhow of Alexandria, Alexandria City County, VA was born on June 13, 1923 in Russia to Petro Eluhow and Anna Babicz. Raymond Eluhow had siblings Nicholas P Eluhow and Anatazia Eluhow. He married Genovaite Eluhow on February 4, 1948. They had a child Raymond Eluhow Jr. He married Ljiljana Eluhow on July 4, 1970 in Fairfax United States. Raymond Eluhow died at age 68 years old on October 31, 1991 at Alexandria Hospital, Alexandria, VA, USA, and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Arlington County.
Raymond Eluhow
Alexandria, Alexandria City County, VA 22302
June 13, 1923
October 31, 1991
Alexandria Hospital, Alexandria, VA, USA
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Raymond Eluhow's History: 1923 - 1991

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  • 06/13


    June 13, 1923
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    White, Citizen
  • Early Life & Education

    4 Years Of High School
  • Military Service

    Military serial#: 13124611 Enlisted: October 5, 1942 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Military branch: Air Corps Private Army Of The United States - Includes The Following: Voluntary Enlistments Effective December 8, 1941 And Thereafter; One Year Enlistments Of National Guardsman Whose State Enlistment Expires While In The Federal Service; Officers Appointed In The Army Of The United States Under Army Regulations 605-10 Terms of enlistment: Enlistment For The Duration Of The War Or Other Emergency, Plus Six Months, Subject To The Discretion Of The President Or Otherwise According To Law
  • Professional Career

    Semiskilled Machine Shop And Related Occupations, N.e.c.
  • 10/31


    October 31, 1991
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Alexandria Hospital, Alexandria, VA, USA
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia United States
    Burial location
  • Obituary

    OBITUARIES RICHARD A. THORNBURGH Post Editor Richard A. Thornburgh, 88, a former night managing editor of The Washington Post, died of pneumonia Oct. 30 at a hospital in York, Me. He lived in Ogunquit, Me. Mr. Thornburgh, a veteran newsman, worked for The Post from 1956 until retiring in 1967. As night managing editor he not only was the paper's senior news executive on hand in the evening, but also was specifically responsible for the physical layout and appearance of the next morning's edition. He was a principal voice in selecting stories for each day's front page, and oversaw changes made in the paper from edition to edition as stories developed. The Post, like other morning newspapers, is printed late at night and in the predawn hours. While those in Mr. Thornburgh's position supervised the reporting and editing of fast-developing news stories, it was also necessary for them to keep in mind technical questions of typesetting, press capacities and unyielding deadlines, to ensure the paper would be awaiting readers at the proper time in the morning. In accomplishing that, Mr. Thornburgh became known for his use of a seasoned mixture of persuasion, temper and talent. Mr. Thornburgh, a former District resident, was born in Cambridge City, Ind. He began his journalism career in 1917 with the Richmond (Ind.) Palladium-Item. He then worked for several newspapers in Ohio and Indiana and for the old International News Service before joining the Philadelphia Public Ledger in 1924. He was a reporter and night city editor with the Ledger until joining the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1933. He worked for that paper until 1956, rising through the ranks from night city editor to city editor, managing editor, and finally, executive editor, the paper's top editorial job. Mr. Thornburgh was a member of the National Press Club and Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalism society. Over the years, his hobbies had included stamp collecting, Maine farming, and photography. Survivors include his wife, the former Kathryn Frances Turpin, of Ogunquit; a daughter, Margaret McKinley of Melbourne, Fla.; four grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. RAYMOND ELUHOW Investigator Raymond Eluhow, 68, an independent investigator who worked on a contract basis for the State Department, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Agency for International Development, died of cancer Oct. 31 at Alexandria Hospital. Mr. Eluhow was born in Polonnoe, Russia, and came to the United States as an infant. He grew up in Philadelphia. During World War II he was an Army Air Forces fighter pilot in Europe and was credited with destroying three planes and 45 locomotives. He received two Distinguished Flying Crosses, a Purple Heart and four Air Medals. He remained in the military after the war and served in various security and operational assignments in Germany until leaving the Air Force in 1953 as a lieutenant colonel. Mr. Eluhow worked as an investigator after settling in Alexandria. He was a graduate of the University of Maryland, and spoke nine languages. His marriage to Gene Miuleraite ended in divorce. Survivors include his wife, Ljiljana Skoric, and their son, Nicholas Eluhow, both of Alexandria; a son from his first marriage, Raymond Eluhow Jr. of Springfield; and two sisters, Lillian Thacker of Bristol, Pa., and Stella Plassa of Philadelphia.
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4 Memories, Stories & Photos about Raymond

Raymond Eluhow
Raymond Eluhow
photo found in bag of his memorabilia at Antique Mall in Fairfield, Ohio
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Raymond Eluhow
Raymond Eluhow
items & photos found in bag of his memorabilia at Antique Mall, Fairfield, Ohio 1/12/2024
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Raymond Eluhow
Raymond Eluhow
photo found in bag of his memorabilia at Antique Mall, Fairfield, Ohio
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Raymond Eluhow
Raymond Eluhow
photo found in bag of his memorabilia at Antique Mall, Fairfield, Ohio
Date & Place:
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Raymond Eluhow's Family Tree & Friends


Genovaite Eluhow


Raymond Eluhow

February 4, 1948
Marriage date

Ljiljana Eluhow


Raymond Eluhow

July 4, 1970
Marriage date
Fairfax, Virginia United States
Marriage location

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