A photo of Roger E Donais

Roger E Donais 1943 - 2000

Roger E Donais was born on January 20, 1943 to Dorothy and Josephat Raphael Donais, and had siblings Yvonne and Phillip. He was the parent of Bonnie Lee. He married Edna Perry Maiden Name Unknwn. He would also marry Lorna Irene Snow, and they had children Joseph Arthur Donais, Maria Louise, Maurice Charles, and Roger Edward Jr. Roger Donais died at age 57 years old on March 22, 2000 at west of city in his sleeping bag in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida United States.
Roger E Donais
January 20, 1943
March 22, 2000
west of city in his sleeping bag in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States
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Roger E Donais' History: 1943 - 2000

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  • Introduction

    As told by one of 3 sons; Born one of three children to Doris and Josephat Raphael Donais. Born in Attleboro, MA. is my best guess. Roger's siblings are Eugene and Yvonne. Wedded: sometime before I was born to Lorna Irene Snow. Children; Bonnie Lee, Joseph Arthur, Maria Louis, Maurice Charles and Roger Edward Jr. My father spent his retirement from the US Army Corps of Engineers doing the one thing he had always dreamed of, building PCs from the empty boards up through the capacitors & resistors, etc... home made PCs. Yes, Roger loved to cook... from scratch in the kitchen and at his messy desk. Then he would write the programs from scratch, line by line, programming them on to cassette tapes, (1977-81). It was a true love. When he retired, Roger broke out of his *closet hobby* and went professional. Having been formally educated by his employers, Roger had ten fingers in assisting with The Library of Congress's efforts to globalize, in short, a book search, new, old, classic, ancient.., that we may all still be using. The last thing he did was his second love, bicycling. From Rte. 1 Bangor, ME. to the Florida Keys. If I am not mistaken it was on his second trip on a bicycle he could fold in half and stow under a Grey Hound Bus that he died. Roger was found within his tent, in his sleeping bag west of Miami, FL. In the woods off the side of the road three days after his death. I wish to believe my farther died content. I could wish he died with no regrets, but it his hard enough for me to fathom such a thing for myself. Knowing him, he was not an easy man to get along with. He was hard and if he was ever pleased showing it was hard too. I am 50 now and I must say, I understand well. Forgiven. My father excelled, whether he knew it or not, with his first son. Maybe not in every/many ways he wanted to but some times... when you bake a cake things happen... and it still comes out much better than you think. It wasn't one of three old moth eaten wool army blankets he left me. He left himself in me, his awesome sensibility, creativity and a love for growing gardens, picking blueberries under a hot summer sun and jumping off the bridge at skinner's pond, (mind the snakes mom), and much, much more. I really miss you dad.
  • 01/20


    January 20, 1943
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    franco american, several times removed
  • Nationality & Locations

  • Religious Beliefs

  • Military Service

    US Army Construction Engineer, (22yrs retired)
  • Professional Career

    Programmer/Tech, (retirement employment)
  • 03/22


    March 22, 2000
    Death date
    died in his sleep
    Cause of death
    west of city in his sleeping bag in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida United States
    Death location
  • Obituary

    I have found none
  • share

3 Memories, Stories & Photos about Roger

Roger E Donais
Roger E Donais
A photo of Roger E Donais and Nathaniel and Elizabeth, (2/4 of Joseph).
People in photo include: Nathaniel Donais and Elizabeth Donais
Date & Place: in Alexandria, Virginia United States
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Roger E Donais
Roger E Donais
A photo of Roger E Donais
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Roger E Donais family
Roger E Donais family
A photo of Roger E Donais and his family
People in photo include: Maria Donais, Joseph Donais, Bonnie Donais, Maurice Donais, and Roger Donais Jr.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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My father, brothers and sisters. Miss you all. moment please loading spinner
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Roger Donais' Family Tree & Friends


Unnamed Partner


Roger E Donais


Edna Perry Maiden Name Unknwn


Roger E Donais


Lorna Irene Snow


Roger E Donais


Roger's Friends

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