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Rosemary Brath 1918 - 1970

Rosemary Brath of Iron Ridge, Dodge County, Wisconsin 53035, United States was born on December 31, 1918 in Stratton, Kit Carson County, Colorado 80836, United States to Killian Simon and Katherine Hildman. She had siblings Claver Simon, Katherine Ann Simon, Peter Simon, Linus Simon, and Leo Simon. She married Raymond Brath on May 29, and had children Cecile Katherine Pfeifer, Gerald Peter Brath, Francis Leo Brath, Dorothy Anne Erickson, Donna May Neumann, Martin Raymond Brath, Mary Brath, Joseph Gerard Brath, Anthony Emanuel Brath, and Cynthia Louise Hammes. Rosemary Brath died at age 51 years old on March 3, 1970 in Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin 53916, United States.
Rosemary Brath
Iron Ridge, Dodge County, Wisconsin 53035, United States
December 31, 1918
Stratton, Kit Carson County, Colorado, 80836, United States
March 3, 1970
Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin, 53916, United States
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Rosemary Brath's History: 1918 - 1970

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  • 12/31


    December 31, 1918
    Stratton, Kit Carson County, Colorado 80836, United States
  • Religious Beliefs

    Rosemary was born into a Catholic family and raised all of her children Catholic. She had a very strong faith. She belonged to Christian Women at St. Mary's Church in Woodland, WI, Dodge County
  • Professional Career

    Rosemary was a farmers wife. Not only did she take care of the housework and raise nine children, she also helped with the milking, morning and night and she cleaned the milking equipment everyday. During haying season she cooked big meals for all the men helping with the haying in addition to all her other chores. She was amazing.
  • 03/3


    March 3, 1970
    Death date
    She died ay Beaver Dam Hospital, of cancer, in the morning of a very foggy day. She had always wanted to die there because she thought it was such a peaceful place. Her oldest daughter, Cecile, was in the hospital in Hartford having recently had her third child, Tim Pfeifer.
    Cause of death
    Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin 53916, United States
    Death location
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2 Memories, Stories & Photos about Rosemary

Katherine Hildman
She was my Grandmother. We called her big Gramma because our other Gramma was barely 5 ft. tall. She always remembered our birthdays with a letter from her.
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Rosemary was my Mother
I miss her so much. She never got to meet my husband or any of my children
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