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Talmadge Oakley Norfleet 1919 - 1966

Talmadge Oakley Norfleet of 5416 Confetti Dr, in El Paso, El Paso County, Texas 79912, United States was born on September 21, 1919 at Barstow, Texas, and died at age 46 years old on March 7, 1966 at Sun Tower Hospital, El Paso, Texas.
Talmadge Oakley Norfleet
Nickname: Ike
5416 Confetti Dr, in El Paso, El Paso County, Texas 79912, United States
September 21, 1919
Barstow, Texas
March 7, 1966
Sun Tower Hospital, El Paso, Texas
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Talmadge Oakley Norfleet's History: 1919 - 1966

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  • 09/21


    September 21, 1919
    Barstow, Texas
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Talmadge was third child of six born to Plunket Smith Norfleet & Sallie Dinwiddie Norfleet. His had 2 older sisters, the eldest, Lucille Frances Norfleet Gill was born Jan. 28, 1914, in Weinert TX (date of death unknown). Secord born, Vauncille Fredonia Norfleet Wright was born Jan. 31, 1918, in Barstow, TX & died 26, 1969. Fourth born, Garland Acree Norfleet was born Nov. 13, 1921, in Barstow, TX. & died July 8, 1926. Fifth born, Douglas Smith Norfleet was born July 18, 1925 & died Oct. 13, 1938. Sixth born, LaVerne Cleotha Norfleet Davis was born July 25, 1926, in Pacos, TX. (date of death unknown). Father of Talmadge, Plunket Smith Norfleet, was the 11th & last child born to George Acree & Frances Ann Edwards. He was born July 16, 1891, in Indian Mound, Tenn. (date of death unknown). Mother of Talmadge, Sallie Dinwiddie Norfleet sixth born to Willie Maraduke Dinwiddie (born Oct. Nov. 26, 1855, died May 9, 1935) & Willis Fredonia Edwards (born Nov. 26, 1863, died Nov. 26, 1931). Both were born in Indian Mound, Tenn. Sallie was born May 13, 1893, in Montague, TX. died June 7, 1971, in Levelland, TX. Originally both the Norfleet & Dinwiddie families resided in & near Indian Mound, Tenn.
  • Religious Beliefs

    The entire family were Methodists. His parents, Plunket Smith & Sallie Norfleet, took their four children to Tennessee for a family visit. On the way home they rope tied a church bull to the front of the Model T Ford. Then, as founding members of the First Methodist Church, Jal, New Mexico, they presented the bell to the congregation. The bell was placed in the tower & rang for services.
  • Military Service

    Talmadge was drafted into the Army in the spring or summer 1942 at Lovington, New Mexico. He took basic training at Fort Ord, Texas & was stationed in the Philippines' during World War II. He was Honorably Discharged after the close of the was 1945.
  • Professional Career

    While still a youngster, Talmadge and his father built the first roads in & around Jal, New Mexico. To do so they used ground graders pulled by teams of mules. He was a hard worker which served him well throughout life. Before World War II Talmadge worked for an up & coming company, El Paso Natural Gas Co., which became & remains a leader in the gas & pipe line industry. After the war he returned to work for the company until his death March 7, 1966. He rose to be the Pipeline Supervisor for the company, having done every job within the ranks of building pipelines from West Texas to California. He was highly regarded by the men who worked for him & that he worked with because of his active willingness "to get his hands dirty with shovel or pick" even as the "job boss". After his death, via Resolution, The Pipe Line Contractors Association expressed their sorry & condolences at his passing.
  • Personal Life & Family

    Talmadge completed high school Jal High School, Jal, New Mexico. In addition to studies, he played football & the six-man team won a championship. At age 21 he married Geneva Hall, age 18, May 25, 1940, in Lea County, New Mexico. The union brought forth one daughter, Nancy Lou, born April 21, 1941 (at the time of this entry, she is 83 years old). They were divorced June 4th, 1979, in Abilene, TX. Once 2 grandchildren arrived, Jenny Lou & Jay Norfleet, he spent as much time as possible with them. They were both very young at the time of his death. At the time of his death, he was married to Joan Savage. She was from Seattle, Washington. Throughout his life Tallmadge enjoyed hunting, fishing & being outdoors. He especially enjoyed watching football games when in season.
  • 03/7


    March 7, 1966
    Death date
    Cerebral Edema, Cerebral Abscess
    Cause of death
    Sun Tower Hospital, El Paso, Texas
    Death location
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