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Timothy Donovan 1920 - 1993

Timothy Donovan of Manchester, Hartford County, CT was born on April 19, 1920. Timothy was baptized circa April 20, 1920 in Ireland. Timothy Donovan died at age 73 years old on June 26, 1993, and was buried at st james cemetary Manchester CT.
Timothy Donovan
Family members called him "Clancy."
Manchester, Hartford County, CT 06040
April 19, 1920
June 26, 1993
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Timothy Donovan's History: 1920 - 1993

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  • 04/19


    April 19, 1920
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Timothy's ancestors lived in Ireland and were from a peasant milieu. The "family history" was blackened by a tradition of severe child abuse. Timothy's grandfather, Cornelious, severely slapped Timothy's father, reddening his cheeks for life, and then it was Timothy's turn, and later the turn of an American son…..
  • Nationality & Locations

    He was born and "raised" in southern Ireland, and emigrated to the US around November 1948.
  • Early Life & Education

    He never got past 5th or 6th grade. Instead of studying for a high school equivalent diploma, he spent his spare time drinking and reading the paper. He wasted time worrying about stuff on the other side of the world, over which he had no control, and neglected the problems of his family right under his nose. Even worse, he compounded those problems...
  • 04/20


    circa April 20, 1920
    Baptism date
    Place of worship
  • Religious Beliefs

    He was strongly catholic. He insisted on dragging his whole family to church but one by one the other members abandoned the faith. They became too educated and sophisticated for it. By the late '70s Timothy, who never got past 6th grade--if that far-- was the only one who still went to church.
  • Military Service

    He was in the Irish army around the time of WWII, but not in the US armed forces, after coming to the USA in '48.
  • Professional Career

    He was a bellhop or some such, carrying other people's suitcases around in a hotel. Unable to support his family of six kids--because he wasted too much time with politics to get training for a decent job-- he had to rely on his wife to be the main breadwinner.
  • Personal Life & Family

    Timothy was from a family of 8 kids. A brother, Francis (Frank) lived in the same town as he did, after Timothy came to America in '48. Timothy married around March 1954. He was once married prior to that. Wisely his first wife left him; his second wife made a very bad choice..... Besides politics, and neglecting and abusing his sons, Timothy liked horses.
  • 06/26


    June 26, 1993
    Death date
    metastatic colon cancer
    Cause of death
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    st james cemetary Manchester CT
    Burial location
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6 Memories, Stories & Photos about Timothy

Of his four sons, Timothy had a decent relationship only with Michael, the oldest (and to a lesser extent with Brian, the youngest).
Michael occasionally questioned the old man about his past, including its darker aspects. Noting his father's cheeks were red, Mike learned that Timothy's own father had brutally slapped him as a child. Mike got the old man to describe the circumstances of the abuse. "I got a terrible beating" Timothy said, for hitting a kid. "Why did you hit him?" Mike asked. "He was making fun of me" the old man replied. "How old were you then?" "Six or seven." To Mike, it made no sense that a kid could be battered so severely just for hitting someone. In his own experience with kids, "it happens all the time." "Not over there you don't" Timothy said. Then Mike asked Timothy if his own father's cheeks were red. "You bet your life" the old man answered. Mike surmised, correctly no doubt, that "he was just waiting for an excuse to take it out on you." He not only beat but bullied Timothy.
Mike may also have asked him if his mother had done anything to help and the old man answered "no."
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Timothy often gave the impression of being brain dead. When asked why he did something, or believed something, he'd answer "That's the way I was brought up." Pounded into a mold by an abusive father, he was incapable of independent thought. Often, he seemed no more human than a robot.
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Whenever Timothy was in an abusive or bullying mood, his eyes seemed to stare into space. As a psychologist would say, he was reliving a past traumatic experience this time in the role of aggressor instead of victim. He had internalized his father's brutal nature...
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Timothy's fundamental mistake was to think he could change the world, through involvement in politics. As a poor, uneducated person he had no hope of doing that. Eventually, he gave up politics in utter frustration. Unable to change the world, he should've changed himself--by getting psychiatric treatment, a high school equivalent diploma and a better job.
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Timothy Donovan has been dead since 1993. His own ignorance proved fatal. Around 1968 a son told him he should stop smoking or he might get cancer. "Don't worry about it!" Timothy bellowed. Twenty five years later he was emaciated and dying, his insides shot with cancer…..
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Timothy Donovan was from a very abusive background. Severely beaten, bullied and humiliated by his father, he thought he had a right to do the same to his own sons. The bulk of the blame must go to his wife, though. Unlike Timothy, she knew what he was doing was wrong but she was too devoted and cowardly to get rid of him. From the point of view of mental health, education and socioeconomic status, Timothy was among the worst. Blinded by a foolish love, his wife remained loyal to him for 30 years. She sacrificed her own life as well as the lives of her kids to preserve her marriage to a liability.
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