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William Kermit Cauthern 1921 - 2010

William Kermit Cauthern of White Bluff, Dickson County, TN was born on September 9, 1921 in White Bluff, and died at age 88 years old on June 7, 2010 in White Bluff. William Cauthern was buried at Taylor Town Cemetery in White Bluff.
William Kermit Cauthern
White Bluff, Dickson County, TN 37187
September 9, 1921
White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee, 37187, United States
June 7, 2010
White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee, 37187, United States
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William Kermit Cauthern's History: 1921 - 2010

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  • Introduction

    William Kermit Cauthern was born on September 9, 1921 in Dickson County, Tennessee, United States of America to parents Joseph Ivan Cauthen (1886-1971) and Rosie L Ashworth (1885-1963). He had siblings Walter Alexander, Lyndorph Newton, Rovert Earl, Edna Odessa, Edward Clifton, Emmitt Harold, and Archie Lee. William enlisted on October 31, 1942 in Fort Oglethorpe Georgia and served in the United States Army from November 14, 1942 until July 21, 1945. He was a World War II veteran. On July 8, 1946 he married Lois Jean Ausbrooks (1926-1993) in Dickson, Tennessee, USA. They moved to Nashville, Tennessee, USA and had children including a son named Danny Ray Cauthern (1949-2016). He later married Loyce (Stansell) Cauthern.
  • 09/9


    September 9, 1921
    White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee 37187, United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was white. Both of his parents were also born and raised in Tennesse and his father was from Dickson County, Tennessee, United States of America.
  • Nationality & Locations

    William was born and raised in Dickson County, Tennessee, United States of America living in Burns, Dickson, Tennessee. In the 1940's he moved to Old Hickory, Davidson, Tennessee and the moved to Nashville, Tennessee, USA in the 1950's.
  • Early Life & Education

    At the time of enlistment, he had not completed high school.
  • Military Service

    William Cauthern enlisted on October 31, 1942 in Fort Oglethorpe Georgia (Military serial#: 34490463). He was a private and his terms of enlistment were, "Enlistment For The Duration Of The War Or Other Emergency, Plus Six Months, Subject To The Discretion Of The President Or Otherwise According To Law". He served in the United States Army from November 14, 1942 until July 21, 1945 and was a World War II veteran.
  • Professional Career

    He worked in the production of industrial chemicals.
  • 06/7


    June 7, 2010
    Death date
    Cause of death
    White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee 37187, United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Taylor Town Cemetery in White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee 37187, United States
    Burial location
  • Obituary

    Mr. William Kermit Cauthern was born September 9, 1921 to Joseph Ivan and Rosie Lee (Ashworth) Cauthern in Dickson County, Tennessee. He passed away at his residence in White Bluff on June 7, 2010. He served his country in the United States Army during World War II (1942-45). He is survived by: son; Dan Cauthern of White Bluff; two daughters, Judy Cauthern Wight of White Bluff and Caolyn Cauthern Finch of Dickson; nine grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren. Besides his parents, Mr. Cauthern is preceded in death by: his first wife and mother of his chilren, Lois Jean (Allsbrooks) Cauthern; second wife, Loyce (Stansell) Cauthern; great grandson and namesake, Billy Duncan; seven brothers and one sister. Visitation with the family will be at the White Bluff Chapel beginning Wednesday, June 9th, from 12 Noon until 8 pm and Thursday, June 10th, from 9 am until time of service. Funeral services will be Thursdy, June 10th, from the White Bluff Chapel beginning at 11 am with Bro. Wilson Bryant officiating. Burial will follow in the Taylor Town Cemetery.
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