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Yvonne M Claman 1939 - 2008

Yvonne Marie (Blazevich) Claman of Des Moines, Polk County, IA was born on June 6, 1939. She was married to James Lee Claman, and they were together until Yvonne's death on March 7, 2008. Yvonne Claman was buried in Des Moines.
Yvonne Marie (Blazevich) Claman
Des Moines, Polk County, IA 50320
June 6, 1939
March 7, 2008
Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, United States
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Yvonne Marie (Blazevich) Claman's History: 1939 - 2008

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  • Introduction

    Who is my Mom? Yvonne Marie. She was extremely special in so many ways. Her proudest accomplishment was giving birth to six wonderful children and raising them. She delighted in the every day tasks that needed to be done. She made sure we were fed each and every morning before sending us off to school, she would cook us hot meals 3 times a day. At night, she loved to bring out the bowls for icecream or make a big pan of popcorn for us to share while we were playing cards, a board game or watching a great movie on tv. She liked to organize and keep the house clean. I can still hear my mom telling me to dust the top shelves and move the wastebasket to get the crumbs in the corners. I can see her carrying an armload of knickknacks that had accumulated on the hutch. She would travel from room to room to try and find a place for everything, whether it was keys, money, combs or school papers. And the laundry! My mom was a pro, she could find all the lost socks and reunite them again. She knew how to get all those stains out, and she ironed countless dress shirts for my Dad. She also took time to laugh and play. She took us everywhere, to the park, the pool, the library, the movies. We rode our bikes together to the Dairy Queen. She was our biggest fan at our ballgames. She used to love to watch her kids steal base and hit inside the park homeruns. She used to love to watch our basketball games and say that’s my child out there. She was extremely proud of her children’s accomplishments. My mother instilled in me a love for musicals and dancing. I took up dancing because of my mom. She was an excellent dancer. Mom loved the silver screen. She and I loved to watch old movies that featured her favorite dancers like Gene Kelly, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. My mom and Dad had a special marriage. I don’t remember a bad word or argument between them ever. They were as much in love with each other as the day they got married, 46 years ago. They always put a premium on a Catholic education and made many sacrifices to make sure we received it. I don’t remember not having much money, in fact I always thought we were well off. We always had a meal and we always had clean clothes and a warm bed to sleep in at night. We were rich because we were surrounded by the love of our parents, and felt safe and secure by the love they always showed each other. They made sure we always took a family vacation each summer – whether it was to Worlds of Fun, the beaches in Florida or the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. My sisters can tell you some great stories about their trip to California. My mom made sure we had food for the road – apples, oranges, sandwiches. She thought of everything. If there was anything better than being married to the love of her life and raising children, it was having grandchildren. Mom couldn’t wait to have them, and the more the merrier. She was the greatest grandma, and loved to give her grandkids all kinds of treats. Her grandchildren knew that they could get as many cookies, ice cream and popcicles as they wanted from her. My mom knew how to stock a freezer. Most of all, she showered them with love, hugs and kisses. She proudly displayed their photos on the wall and her refrigerator. My mom had an unshakable belief and faith in God– she called on the angels and the saints to help her every day. She adored Jesus Christ. She prayed to the Virgin Mary in her times of sorrow. She had incredible courage. When she found out about her lung cancer, the doctor wanted to start her treatment right away. She had a previously scheduled vacation to Branson, Missouri with my Dad. She told the doctor that the treatment could wait until she got back from her trip with my Dad. She wasn’t going to put her life on hold for cancer. She continued to face each day with a positive attitude, and she fought so hard to stay with her family she loved so much. Her strength, resilience, optimism and faith in God is an inspiration to me and everyone who knew and loved her. Mom, I know you are watching over me, lending me your beautiful heart and soul. I can hear you whisper, I love you Laur. I love you too Mom, and I will be with you again someday.
  • 06/6


    June 6, 1939
  • Ethnicity & Family History

  • Nationality & Locations

  • Religious Beliefs

    Roman Catholic
  • 03/7


    March 7, 2008
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa United States
    Burial location
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Yvonne Blazevich's Family Tree & Friends

Yvonne Blazevich's Family Tree


James Lee Claman


Yvonne M Claman

Yvonne's Death
Cause of Separation
March 7, 2008
Yvonne's death date

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