
4 Generations

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
4 Generations
This is a 4-generation picture!
My grandmother, Etta F O'Dell Worley
My father, Lester D Worley
Me, Lauren D Worley
My baby girl, Kristina Jo Worley
Date & Place: at Grandma's house in Newberg, Oregon USA
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Who was Lester's Father and where was he from? I am My Worley Families Genealogist and we have a Brother of my Great great Grandfather that wondered also my Great Grandfather They were in Orgeon Washington and So forth.. I have all the info all the Way back to Normandy..
Hello! Just found your message. Lester's father was Harry Grover Worley born 1884 logansport Indiana. His father was Bartholomew Worley, thought from Ireland or Florida.
Would love what info you have. I am in ancestry with a tree called Just for Lauren.
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