
Alice Mae (McGarraghy) Crowley, of Rochester,New York 14617

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Alice Mae (McGarraghy) Crowley, of Rochester,New York 14617
Alice Mae (McGarraghy)Crowley Photo taken at the Red Inn in Provincetown,CapeCod,Massachusetts.
Alice Mae Crowley was b:7/9/1919 - d:8/14/1999. In Rochester,NY.(Alice Married (Bus)Clement I.Crowley son of Charles and Mary Crowley[Rio Dell,CA. After Bus returned from WWII on :9/17/1945. Clement I.Crowley aka Bus. 7/211921-12/16/2012 at St.Andrews RC church,Rochester,New York ) This is my mother Alice,I am her son Patrick K.Crowley.
Photo was taken at The Red INN, while Mom and Dad were visiting me as my rented summer Cottage,in ( Cape Cod) Provincetown,MA. 1993-4. In her favorite,pink Dress.
Mom and Dad were always,such great fun together.
50+ years of Love and Laughs.
Date & Place: at The Red Inn Resturant in Provincetown, Cap Cod County, Massachusetts United States of America
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Alice Mae (McGarraghy) Crowley
Alice Mae Mcgarraghy-Crowley Wife of Clement I.Crowley BUS My Mom =Patrick K Crowley Children; Kathleen Michael Eileen Patrick
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Patrick K Crowley
Patrick is youngest son of,Bus and Alice Crowley.
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