

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
After basic training, I was transferred to Fort Eustis, Virginia.
Date & Place: at WAC in Alabama USA
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Barbara Gonzalez
My maiden name is Valdez. I was born in Farmington, New Mexico. Most of our Ancestors are from New Mexico, Rio Arriba County, Mora and Colfax areas in New Mexico. I have been researching several Genealogy Sites for one year. I am interested basically in the Ribera, Rivera, Montoya, Valdez, Salazar, Garcia, families. If any one has information on Ramon Alfonso Ribera I would be pleased to receive the information. Next in line are Francisco, Jose Dolores, Jose Eutimio, and Alfonso Ribera/Rivera Surname. Another family I am researching and need information on is Juan Pablo Montoya and his wife Maria Delores Medina.
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