
Bert Okla Williams

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Bert Okla Williams
A photo of Bert Okla Williams. Born in Oklahoma Territory in 1902. Was given the middle name of "Okla". He was a pastor. Lived in El Reno, Oklahoma, Weatherford, Oklahoma, Blackwell, Oklahoma, Arkansas City, Kansas and other small towns in Oklahoma and Kansas.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Bert Okla Williams
Bert was born in Oklahoma Territory, before Oklahoma was a state. His parents gave him the middle name, Okla. He was their youngest child. After his father died, his mother became very ill and he vowed he would not marry or leave his mother until she passed. One of his brothers was a preacher and Bert began preaching when he was only 14 years old. He later did go to a seminary and made it "official". Bert was an avid gardener and had an uncanny gift with nature and animals of all sorts, both domestic and wild. Within a few days of talking to and feeding them, wild birds would actually land on his shoulders, arms and even his head when they would see him. And different kinds of tree squirrels came and ate out of his hand. As his youngest child, I loved to watch him interact with the myriad of animals we came in contact with. I've had many close contacts with animals in the wild but do not have the complete trust the animals had with him. Bert loved to whistle, so most likely one could find him simply by listening for him. He grew gigantic watermelon and tomatoes that we loved to consume right out in the garden. (We kept a salt shaker in the garden for our frequent feasts). He had a huge interest in poultry, so we had large flocks of chickens and a flock of guinea fowl. He knew the type of trees, birds, ducks, geese and even grass and/or weeds we were looking at. Needless to say, for me, it was never boring being with him. I was always asking questions and he was always patient and willing to stop whatever he was doing to answer. He was a great Dad. He was 50 years old when I was born. Too old? No way...I couldn't have had it better.
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