
Christina Schwabenland & Peter Bischel

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Christina Schwabenland & Peter Bischel
Wedding day photo. Christina, age 16,daughter of George & Maria Christina (Winter)Schwabenland. She & husband Peter had 7 children together.
People in photo include: Peter Bischel and Christina Schwabenland
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Hi Neil - Did you ever get the Straub censuses to help you with your Winters?
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Neil Marks
The relatives & ancestors of Walter Marks/Markus and Elma Harriet Roth. Both families are of Volga-German descent, migrating to the U.S. in the late 1800's/early 1900's. Walter's family was from the village of Lauwe, while Elma's family was from Straub. Both villages were in the Samara Providence, and located along the Volga River. Walter's family name was originally "Markus", but his father legally changed it to "Marks" in the early 1920's. Both families settled in Fresno, Ca, living very fruitful and product lives. About 80,000 Volga-Germans migrated to Fresno, bringing their traditions and custons with them. For more information on the Volga-Germans in this area, you can contact the Central California Chapter of AHSGR ( They have extensive records and family genealogies that can be researched for free.
Kathy Stahlman
Researching Volga-German ancestors on my mom's side; German (Niedersachsen & Hannover) relatives on my dad's side; New England ancestors on my mom-in-law's side; & PA & German relatives on my dad-in-law's side.
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