
Christmas 79

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Christmas 79
Cousins loved getting together any time of year, seen here Paul Salas, Jimmy Hughes and Michael Diaz (sons of Rosie), Aurelio (stepson of Rosie) and Dennis Arce (son of Elba)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Julius O Salas
Julius "Sal", the name he went by, was one of five children. He often told people, he found the girl of his dreams by nearly running her down in Brooklyn. He was just home from the army and cruising around. He thought Maria Angeles "Angie" was the prettiest little thing he ever saw. He brought her home and the family fell in love with her. Angie was really good with his younger siblings because she had younger siblings too (roughly the same age). After marrying the had two children together. Family was very important to the Salas clan. All holidays were spent together (both families). Holidays were especially fun. Sunday dinner at 3 pm was a tradition enjoyed with his parents, brother Jay and his sister-in-law's family (the Marciano's). Extended family included the neighbors, the Mazzio Family, as well as his childhood friend, Richard Hammel and his family. Rarely a weekend went by without this group playing cards while their children slept. Julius was an avid reader, believed in the education of the latino people, especially women, always the "fireman", he excelled within the New York City Fire Department. He eventually worked his way up to NYC Fire Marshall. He bought houses, fixed them up and flipped them. Some he kept as rental properties. He eventually went back to school and received a degree in criminology from John Jay College. He dabbled in real estate. Angie, started out as a real estate agent at Karen Realty and Sal joined her and her sister Josie later as an agent. He enjoyed real estate and worked on becoming a real estate broker. Together, they bought a real estate, which became the center for family to work together. Sal, Angie, Josie and her husband, Joe Marciano all worked in the real estate. Melody worked part-time as a secretary and served the administrative end.
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Melody Salas-Curra John Curra
Music and Choir Director, pianist/organist of Sacred Heart Church, paralegal, loves horseback riding, gardening, animals and nature.
Married to John Curra, mother of three, step-mother of 4 men.
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