
Connee Boswell and Bing Album

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Connee Boswell and Bing Album
A photo of Connee Boswell
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby was an American singer, actor, and was one of the most influential stars of the 20th century. He was known for focusing on boosting morale of the US Military men serving overseas. He is an Academy Award winner for his role in "Going My Way" (1944) and was also nominated for the movie's sequel "The Bells of St. Mary's" (1945). He is also well known for his lead role in the Christmas classic, "White Christmas" starring Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney. Bing Crosby is one of 33 people to have three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for movies, singing, and radio.

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Constance Foore "Connee" Boswell
THE PERSONAL STORM OF CONNEE BOSWELL By Cort Vitty © 2012 (From Radio Recall, February 2012) A sedan approached the newsstand at 72nd and Broadway in New York. The passenger instructed her driver to pull over and wait. It seemed like hours passed before a young man on crutches slowly shuffled toward the stand; his legs were withered by the crippling affect of polio. From the back seat, singer Connie Boswell immediately understood why columnist Walter Winchell contacted her to arrange the meeting; she too was a victim of polio -- unable to walk since the age of 3. No one knows what Connie specifically said to the newsboy that day, but undoubtedly the conversation centered on living with polio. Connie likely imparted the early advice given by her mother, Meldania Forre Boswell: "Connie, you'll never walk or dance. But these things are unimportant. What IS important is to use your brain. Develop your own talents and you'll have just as much pleasure out of life as anyone else." The polio virus dates back to ancient times. Throughout recorded history, outbreaks of epidemic proportion have periodically occurred without warning. Sadly, small children and young adults were stricken most often by the debilitating paralysis. Thanks to the mid 20th century introduction of an oral vaccine, the disease is rare today and close to eradication. The Boswell family moved to New Orleans from Missouri in 1914, when patriarch Alfred Clyde accepted a management position with a yeast company. The family consisted of oldest son Clyde Jr. (1900-1918), along with daughters, Martha (1905-1958), Connie (1907-1976) and (Vet) Helvetia (1911-1988). Meldania instilled an appreciation of music in her daughters and viewed it as a particular opportunity for Connie. A classically trained teacher was hired to provide lessons for the girls. Martha learned to play piano; Connie mastered the cello, saxophone and guitar, while Vet became proficient with the violin and banjo.
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Amanda S. Stevenson
For fifty years I have been a Document Examiner and that is how I earn my living. For over 50 years I have also been a publicist for actors, singers, writers, composers, artists, comedians, and many progressive non-profit organizations. I am a Librettist-Composer of a Broadway musical called, "Nellie Bly" and I am in the process of making small changes to it. In addition, I have written over 100 songs that would be considered "popular music" in the genre of THE AMERICAN SONGBOOK.
My family consists of four branches. The Norwegians and The Italians and the Norwegian-Americans and the Italian Americans.
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