
Donald L Swanson

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Donald L Swanson
A photo of Donald L Swanson (1955 - 2000)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Donald L Swanson
Don was the smartest most interesting person I've ever met by far. I miss him everyday. He said things I've never heard before he did things I've never seen before and always made me laugh. I know he loved his daughter Vanessa. I met her . I didnt knw he had another daughter i didnt know him long enough and only when he was sick.I look forward to seeing him on the other side♥️♥️♥️☠ I'm putting the skull and crossbones here even though he preferred the skull and crossbones with the bones crossed below the chin, this is the closest one I could Leslie Fenton
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