
Esom Riggs

Updated Jan 21, 2025 moment please loading spinner
Esom Riggs
A photo of Esom Riggs
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Such a dignified man! When was the last time you read a newspaper in the yard wearing a full suit?
Photo of Sharon Spain Ingle Sharon Spain Ingle
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That's a great photo!
Photo of Denise Mayer Denise Mayer
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He looks so distinguished!
Photo of Mapp Jennifer Mapp Jennifer
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Awesome pic!
Photo of Laura Harmon Vickers Laura Harmon Vickers
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Its a shame people dont dress anymore ....
Photo of Patrick Harlow Patrick Harlow
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True, but think on a hot day how nice it is to wear shorts and a t shirt instead of a full suit, or a dress with ten layers of constrictive underwear , hats, gloves etc
Photo of Laura Harmon Vickers Laura Harmon Vickers
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I do it all the time as a reenactor . Its not as bad as you think .😉
Photo of Patrick Harlow Patrick Harlow
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That sounds fun !
Photo of Laura Harmon Vickers Laura Harmon Vickers
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It is lots of fun Patrick !
Photo of Marlene Ann Hess Mize Marlene Ann Hess Mize
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----Reminds me of my grandpa Hess---Always so dignified, a true gentleman----
Photo of Sue Rapp Sue Rapp
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Myhusband does that on the porch porch after work occasionally.
Photo of Cathy Weatherby Cathy Weatherby
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I never have.
Photo of Steve Jones Steve Jones
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Great pic....
Photo of Rachael Rawson Rachael Rawson
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Classy and so distinguished!
Photo of Kathy Berry Kathy Berry
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Might be dressed for the pic because it was a 'sitting' as opposed to a candid pic. Or maybe not.
Photo of Damian Daniello Damian Daniello
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He was probably only 33 years old in this picture.
Photo of Charlene Feiner Charlene Feiner
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Super photo
Photo of Bob Amey Bob Amey
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People rarely "dress" anymore. To bad.
Photo of Kathy Wilson Kathy Wilson
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Photo of Patrick Harlow Patrick Harlow
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Probably never
Photo of Shannon Murphy Shannon Murphy
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I remember this pic from years ago! I don't remember where I saw it, but I've always loved the image. Thanks for sharing.
Photo of Hedy Nanning Hedy Nanning
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My father has always worn a full suit, all his life. I liked it , still like a well dressed man 😊
Photo of Bernice Spier Bernice Spier
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Mine too.
Photo of Jenny Stevens Jenny Stevens
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Impressive man.
Photo of Regine Innocenti Regine Innocenti
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Magnifique ♡ ♥ merci
Photo of Cheryl Cobble Winchester Cheryl Cobble Winchester
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He's not "dressed up" this is the way he dresses everyday. I like his shoes, they appear to be new or well taken care of. He is very distinguished looking. I think the term then was "courtly looking"
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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Shoes got buffed nightly
Photo of Johanne Priestley Johanne Priestley
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Old Traditions, An Elderly Neighbour, Now Deceased, And An Irishman By Birth, Always Tipped His Hat On Greeting One, And Saying Hello, Lovely!
Photo of Tess Squint Lawrence Tess Squint Lawrence
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very few people considered it proper to leave the house unless COMPLETELY dressed in those days.
Photo of Cecilia Robbins Cecilia Robbins
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Love the pic! Reminds me of my grandfather! He always wore a suit or at least a long sleeved white shirt starched and ironed!
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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I remember the smell of my Dads starched, ironed shirts! Miss that
Photo of John Cowie John Cowie
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I wear suits etc everyday unless im in the garden messing about.People often come up to me and compliment me in the street, shops etc.and say they wished men would dress that way. I go out as if I were golng somewhere special every day and a lot of the time I am.
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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Nothing beats a sharp dressed man. Tell ppl you respect yourself! Kudos!
Photo of Vicki S Winkler Vicki S Winkler
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Remember when all men dressed like that unless they were working, especially impressive were how neat and clean kids were then too. Church was a good example.
Photo of Helena Shelby Helena Shelby
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Love the old photos.
Photo of Thomas Mazetis Thomas Mazetis
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i'm guess just after the civil war. I have been out in the yard with shirt and tie on but not the jacket
Photo of Gail Perlee Gail Perlee
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It obviously wasn't 105 degrees there!
Photo of Julie Hartley Julie Hartley
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LOVE this photo! Nowadays, it's blue jeans & T shirts!
Photo of Penne Powers Thomas Penne Powers Thomas
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Let me think....never!
Photo of Eddie Kerwin Eddie Kerwin
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A true gentleman? You can be a liar or an abuser and still wear a suit!
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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You could be,, however those types of ppl rarely gave a damn about what they wore,, and if they did dress..they for sure didn't wear it this well.. class speaks louder than criminal
Photo of Theresa Donaldson Theresa Donaldson
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Tee hee when's the last time u wore a suit?
Photo of Bj Campbell Bj Campbell
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Wish living in my favorite base hadn't taken so many family photo's school albums etc. So we leave hurricanes behind to move to tornado alley! Gotta love Air Force!
Photo of Susan Aprieto Velves Susan Aprieto Velves
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All the time....
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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Ppl always got dressed before the went out. Actually they got dressed when they got up back in those days! Respect for your appearance! Must have been real nice!
Photo of Sandra Gamier Sandra Gamier
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When I stayed overnight or longer, at my maternal grandparents' house, we were not permitted to go to the breakfast table without being completely dressed for the day.
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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That is how it was when I was a child. And dressing was not a tank top and booty shorts! Lol
Photo of Beverly Myers Beverly Myers
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My Grandfather dressed like this his entire adult life and we lived in Arizona............
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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Ppl dress in much less here in Arizona now.. its a shame
Photo of Catherine Gavin Catherine Gavin
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What a wonderful historical photo!! Love it!!
Photo of Sandra Gamier Sandra Gamier
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And hat!
Photo of Kayleen Bennett Kayleen Bennett
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I love old pictures
Photo of Maryann Wells Molina Maryann Wells Molina
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I bet it was a Sunday.
Photo of Kevin K. Keller Kevin K. Keller
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I did yesterday in my birthday suit
Photo of Vanessa Webb Vanessa Webb
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Dan Andrews
Photo of ES Bleuler-Beegle ES Bleuler-Beegle
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My Grandpa always wore a three piece suit when not in the house. I didn't understand it at my tender age but I always thought how well he prsented himself till his death at 84.
Photo of Tammielynn Malone Tammielynn Malone
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And that is why! Ppl took pride in presenting themselves well
Photo of Norman G Belanger Norman G Belanger
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I never have
Photo of Becky Kelly Becky Kelly
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Love this.
Photo of Wendy George Totos Wendy George Totos
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Thanks for sharing this
Photo of Joy Kingston Joy Kingston
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My great grandfather wore a suit every day! So handsome!
Photo of Lhindah Straw Lhindah Straw
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OMG, don't say Civil War, it might be offensive to some (note the hint of sarcasm there?)
Photo of Jack Strange Jack Strange
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Love this picture
Photo of Maria Elena Olivares DeOchoa Maria Elena Olivares DeOchoa
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Great story great history
Photo of Waco Wabbit Waco Wabbit
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I remember that day. We lived next door and always walked home from church on nice days. Daisy Riggs and my Grandma made lunch at one house or the other . Later, there were 15 or 20, sometimes more showed up for croquet. Great times. (c. 1905-1910)
Photo of Michelle Buczacz Michelle Buczacz
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My dad did, too. Hat included.
Photo of Pam Milligan Vaughan Pam Milligan Vaughan
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Great photo! Men look fabulous in suits although I understand why they don't like to wear them everyday. My great grandfather, a Civil War vet from Illinois, always wore a blue serge suit. Sat outside in the hot summer heat reading the Bible and the newspaper, came back in and swore he was going blind.
Photo of Elaine Johnson Elaine Johnson
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My grandfather, if he wasn't working in the fields, wore a suit with a hat on his head.
Photo of Margaret Caroline Amey Margaret Caroline Amey
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Thank you
Photo of Siannon Birch Siannon Birch
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just gimme that chair!
Photo of Linda Weikel Linda Weikel
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Maybe he was patiently waiting for his wife to get ready.
Photo of Linda Virtue Linda Virtue
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Probably the best light for reading. And people then enjoyed the fresh air.
Photo of Astrid Marion Oesterreich Astrid Marion Oesterreich
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That is a great picture
Photo of Donna L. Oglesby Donna L. Oglesby
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Back at a time where people, men and women both cared about how they looked in public, and gave a damn about their appearance, Now sadly seems that people younger that 50 don;t care about anything but themselves, wearing pants so saggy is's a wonder why wear them at all, women wearing tight tight, Tights when they are bulgeing at the seems and hanging out all over the place, drawn on eye brows... OMG it is all disgusting...! no class, no type and no self respect anymore, things apparently no longer taught in homes... along with no moral values
Photo of Angela O'Cobtbhaigh Coffey Angela O'Cobtbhaigh Coffey
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Some of us have to get em butt or hips to hold our pants up! 😀
Photo of Joshua Targosh Joshua Targosh
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I don't think I even know anyone with a suit.

Ach... I wish I could afford one.
Photo of Terry Thompson Smith Terry Thompson Smith
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My father wore a military uniform everyday of his adult life. HE always wanted to own a nice suit but he had to wear his dress blues when out in public. Military protocols.
Photo of Juan Aguilar Juan Aguilar
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I only read the newspaper one time outside, but I was not wearing a suite. It was 6-7 years ago while waiting for the train in Carlsbad heading to San Diego
Photo of Orchydis Nobilé Orchydis Nobilé
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What a great first name is Esom !
Photo of Kelley Babbitt Kelley Babbitt
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And most likely made of heavy wool
Photo of Linda Rector Linda Rector
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my grandpa Georgia always wore a full suit with bow tie and hat.
Photo of Zita Catherine Zita Catherine
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They didn't have polyester sweats back in those days and t-shirts were an undergarment.
Photo of Mary Ann Lukacsko Mary Ann Lukacsko
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My grandfather was a painter in downtown Cleveland. He went to work every day in a suit, changed his clothes into work clothes, then when work was done, changed back into his suit to come home!
Photo of Jo Brown Jo Brown
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I bet his wife called him Mr Riggs.
Photo of Diane Walker Diane Walker
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Most people these days barely get dressed to go to a restaurant, or anywhere, for that matter!
Photo of Cindy Brock Cindy Brock
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Reminds me of Grandpa Weaver! Lol
Photo of Janice A. Toms Janice A. Toms
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A southern gentleman.
Photo of Terri Trim-thomasson Terri Trim-thomasson
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My father. He is a true southern gentleman. Style, class and intelligence! He is 87yrs old and the hardest working man I know.
Photo of Connie Langston Connie Langston
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My grandfather would have. The proud son of first Sgt Zebulon MCGowan Elsberry of the 40th Geirgia company A Confederate army of the Tennessee
Photo of Kris Anderson Kris Anderson
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Esom Riggs was my Great Great Grandfather. I posted this picture on a Civil War site. It's nice to see it being used.
Photo of Kris Anderson Kris Anderson
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Esom Riggs was a private in the confederate cavalry; part of Gunn's Raiders. He was captured after a raid into PA and spent the rest of the war in Union prisons until paroled 6 days after the war. He went on to start a successful lumber company.
Photo of Josiane Loilard Josiane Loilard
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J'adore cette photo !! :)
Photo of Angela O'Cobtbhaigh Coffey Angela O'Cobtbhaigh Coffey
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Now we get to see underwear and pants sagging. No respect for their selves at all. Ragedy all the time or they look like sissy's. No gentleman.
Photo of Peggy Gilbert Peggy Gilbert
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Real man!
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Esom Riggs
Esom M Riggs was born on July 25th, 1843 in West Virginia to Thomas Hannan Riggs (1811 - 1854) and Celia Ann Hughes, born 1810. His father was born in Virginia, as was his mother. He had six siblings: Charles Estes, Elizabeth Jane, Albert F., Thomas Jefferson, Missouri Francis, and Ransom William Riggs. Esom Riggs was a soldier in the United States Civil War, serving as a Private in the Confederate Army in the 8th Virginia Calvary. He married Martha Ann Ball (1849 - 1891) circa 1868 in Indiana. They had three daughters: Hortense, Bertha, and Grace, and three sons: Edward, Clarence, and Joseph. After Martha died, he then married Caroline Crow (1852 - 1903) on September 15th, 1892 in Grant County, Indiana. After Caroline died, Esom married Indiana Aldred on April 17th, 1905 in Hamilton County, Indiana. Esom died at the age of 71 in Noblesville, Indiana and he is buried in Crownland Cemetery in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana
Age in photo:

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