
Grandpa Orm

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Grandpa Orm
Grandpa Orm sitting at the end of the garden close to his house in Antlers, Oklahoma.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Lloyd Mitchell Orm
Lloyd Mitchell Orm is my Grand father his wife my Grandmother is Dora Mae Orm born Cochran. I remember my grandfather vividly as a child im am now 47 years old. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather as a young child from about the age of 5 to when he passed away. If anyone knew him knew he was a man you would never forget for he was a very big man i don't know how tall he was but i know he had to duck his head as he would walk through the door way to his house i would say he would make easily two men wide standing side bye side he had to order his shoes and clothes because the stores didn't carry anything in his size. My mother told me he was born in Estancia, New Mexico Records show August 9 1909 Torrance, New Mexico. I believe Torrance is the county in which he was born.
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