Isabella (Mitchell) Alsbury of Mount Morgan, Rockhampton Regional County, QLD Australia was born in 1834 in Fife County, Scotland United Kingdom, and died at age 87 years old on September 4, 1922 in Mount Morgan, Rockhampton Regional County, QLD Australia.
James William Alsbury of Dysart, Scotland United Kingdom was born on February 2, 1832, and died at age 86 years old on August 9, 1918 in Mount Morgan, Rockhampton Regional County, QLD Australia.
Discover photos of Scotland and the Scottish people taken by families throughout history.
This series of photos shared by members of the community are of Scottish towns and cities and of famous and everyday Scottish people. Many are family photos taken over the last hundred+ years.
Vintage photos of Australia capture its rich history and culture.
With a population of around 25 million, Australia has a diverse culture shaped by European influx since the late 18th century, a love for sports and the outdoors, rich indigenous heritage, and unique ...
I compiled a small collection of Alsbury surname records including obituaries of family friends. In the future maybe some of these records will be viewed & appreciated as intended. Hundreds of hours doing family ancestry research has been very interesting & rewarding.