
Juvene, Jerldene, and Wanda Stone

Updated Jan 21, 2025 moment please loading spinner
Juvene, Jerldene, and Wanda Stone
A photo of the twins, Juvene and Jerldene Stone and Wanda Stone Enis
Date & Place: in Oscar, Jefferson County, Oklahoma 73569, United States
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Wanda Ann (Stone) Enis
Wanda Ann (Stone) Enis was born in Texas United States to Dawson Vernon Stone and Sadie Agnes (Engledow) Stone, and has siblings Jerldene Stone, Billy Buck Stone, Alma (Stone) Bolen, Iva Lee (Stone) Wester, Juvene (Stone) Cain, Virgil Dale Stone, Haven Dale Stone, Ross Vernon Stone, and Larry Wayne Stone. Wanda Enis died in Abilene, Taylor County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Wanda Ann (Stone) Enis.
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Juvene (Stone) Cain
Juvene (Stone) Cain was born to Dawson Vernon Stone and Sadie Agnes (Engledow) Stone, and has siblings Jerldene Stone, Billy Buck Stone, Alma (Stone) Bolen, Iva Lee (Stone) Wester, Virgil Dale Stone, Wanda Ann (Stone) Enis, Haven Dale Stone, Ross Vernon Stone, and Larry Wayne Stone. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Juvene (Stone) Cain.
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Jerldene Stone
Jerldene Stone of Abilene, Taylor County, TX was born on October 10, 1930 to Dawson Vernon Stone and Sadie Agnes (Engledow) Stone. She had siblings Billy Buck Stone, Alma (Stone) Bolen, Iva Lee (Stone) Wester, Juvene (Stone) Cain, Virgil Dale Stone, Wanda Ann (Stone) Enis, Haven Dale Stone, Ross Vernon Stone, and Larry Wayne Stone. Jerldene Stone died at age 77 years old in 2007.
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