
King Henry the VIII of England

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
King Henry the VIII of England
King Henry the VIII, 3rd of 8 children born to King Henry the VII and Elizabeth of York in 1491 that survived infancy. Married six wives to see if one of them provided him with a male heir. Father of Queen Elizabeth I, Mary Tudor, Prince Edward VI and Henry FitzRoy (illegitimate). Died in 1547 aged 55.
Date & Place: in United Kingdom
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It's too bad that this is the portrait of King Henry the VIII of England that we all know. This is when he was older and ill. When he was a younger man, he was quite dashing! In addition to being a King, he was educated, talented, and a poet.
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Henry the VIII of England
Henry the VIII of England had 6 children with Catherine of Aragon, only 2 survived including Henry Duke of Cornwall and Mary I of England. The other children that did not survive was an Unnamed daughter born and died on January 31, 1510, Unnamed son born and passed September 17, 1513, unnamed son born and died in December 1514, and an unnamed daughter born and died November 10, 1518. Henry the VIII of England and Anne Boleyn had 4 children, and only one survived, Elizabeth I. The other children who did not survive include an unnamed son born and died in December 1534, an unnamed son born and died in December 1535, and a third unnamed son born and died on January 29, 1536.
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Kathy Pinna
I'm a Founder of AncientFaces and support the community answering questions & helping members make connections to the past (thus my official title of Founder & Content and Community Support ). For me, it's been a labor of love for over 20 years. I truly believe with all of my heart that everyone should be remembered for generations to come. I am 2nd generation San Jose and have seen a lot of changes in the area while growing up. We used to be known as the "Valley of Heart's Delight" (because the Valley was covered with orchards and there were many canneries to process the food grown here, which shipped all over the US) - now we have adopted the nickname "Capital of Silicon Valley" and Apple, Ebay, Adobe, Netflix, Facebook, and many more tech companies are within a few miles of my current home in San Jose (including AncientFaces). From a small town of 25,000, we have grown to 1 million plus. And when you add in all of the communities surrounding us (for instance, Saratoga, where I attended high school, living a block from our previous Mayor), we are truly one of the big cities in the US. I am so very proud of my hometown. For more information see Kathy - Founder & Content and Community Director
My family began AncientFaces because we believe that unique photos and stories that show who people are/were should be shared with the world.
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