
Lula Fulghum Waddey, my grandmother.

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Lula Fulghum Waddey, my grandmother.
Lula Mary Fulghum Waddey, the only grandparent I ever got to know (about the time of her wedding). Born in April, 1873, the 4th of 9 children of Civil War Confederate veteran William Washington Fulghum, she married Southern Railroad engineer Surrey Pettus Waddey in 1905 and had 6 children, including my mother Lula Myrle Waddey Gaines. She passed away a month after her 90th birthday, in late May of 1963. I was away at college and we had discussed doing lots of genealogy work while I was home, that summer, but it was not to be. DON'T WAIT - WRITE IT DOWN!
Date & Place: in Decatur, Morgan County, Alabama United States
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Bob Gaines
Retired Librarian and history teacher, born in early 1942. Grew up in Nashville, TN, married a lovely lady named Kathy in 1966 (we met at Vandy in 1963). One daughter, born in 1970. We rescue homeless, abused Beagles! Have adopted 5 dogs and always have a foster, with the Triangle Beagle Rescue of N.C.
Gaines - Fulghum - Waddey ancestors are almost all from Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee, going back 200+ years. Kathy's Dowlen roots go back 200+ years in Kentucky and Virginia.
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