Little miss Maria Poirson Carbonell, 1904-1988, Barcelona Spain. Wasn't she adorable? Her mother died in 1906 so in this photo taken shortly after Mom's death, Maria is dressed in black. Her family memorialized her with photos from throughout her life.
AmberHernandez and Melissa Sullivan see your babies dress like this! I can't imagine what mothers went through in those days! I am glad we don't live in those days!
I have a dislike of total black clothing as it is . but to dress a child in Black Mourning Clothes saddens my heart deeply . The child is nevertheless beautiful as is the photograph .
Personally love black but not on a child. Doesn't detract from the fact that it was a beautiful outfit on a beautiful child who very tragically lost her Momma :"-(
Maria (Poirson) Carbonell was born on December 28, 1904 in Barcelona, Barcelona County Espanya to Victor Poirson Prat and Camila Carbonell Codina, and had siblings Carles Poirson Carbonell and Albert Poirson Carbonell. She married Dalmacio Coll Ramon, and had children Camila Coll Poirson and Teresa Maria Coll Poirson. Maria Carbonell died at age 83 years old on October 17, 1988 in El Masnou. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maria Poirson Carbonell.
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